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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Insane numbers. Sony has done a lot of things right with the PS4. Really looking forward to their output at E3.
  2. I recently bought this one. You obviously have to get it out of the plastic casing but it's easy. Working like a charm and it's on sale. You also get a nice casing for the stock HD.
  3. That's exactly what I want. I know it's basically impossible. Even if it was doable I wouldn't be able to because I don't have time for it.
  4. You can't tell me you completed the raids for the first time in an hour :p When I do something in games I like to do it thoroughly.
  5. Yeah, I get that. But I (and apparently a lot of Destiny players) wished for a PvE mode which could be done with randoms. I'm not able to invest a lot of time in something like raids and this Trials Of Osiris mode (that's why I still haven't done a raid with you guys). Wish I knew how Destiny will turn out beforehand...
  6. Nice selection for May. Already have Hohokum and Guacamelee (people, play it! It's amazing). Looking forward to the rest. : peace:
  7. So Trials of Osiris is another mode without matchmaking, forcing you to look for a group outside of the game. And it's PvP... Oh Bungie...
  8. But this is supposed to be impossible...what about the laws of physics? :p Great to hear that it runs just fine
  9. Interstellar Breathtaking, thought-provoking, audio-visually perfect. It has instantly become one of my favourite movies. My 2015 list Nightcrawler The Theory of Everything Birdman The Imitation Game Whiplash The Great Gatsby Sin City - A Dame To Kill For Fight Club Drive Primer Coherence Locke Big Hero 6 End of Watch Interstellar
  10. I've contacted Sony and they responded today that the matter has been resolved. And sure enough I now own Terraria : peace:
  11. I've seen it. No reason to be condescending. The problems always arise in very convenient situations for you, though.
  12. Well, then I don't understand your way of arguing.
  13. I don't get it. It seldom drops but when you use Netflix it drops? Just to prove a point?
  14. I have 1.6mps on average and never had a quality problem with Netflix, Youtube, Watchever, Skygo, etc. etc. Even when my roommates stream simultaneously. I've used Shareplay with someone who has a similar internet connection and we barely noticed any lag. Interesting that you always have problems unless when it comes to Nintendo :p
  15. More information Sounds too good to be true
  16. Bayern is just something else. Dominating the Semifinal in our national DFB Cup 1:0 for 75 minutes. Conceding the equalizer. Extra-time...nothing. Penalty shootout. First three...missed...Edit: Four...FOUR have missed. In a row... Match lost. No idea what to say...
  17. Gonna bump the shit out of this thread. I just read that there will be a DMC 4 Special Edition out on PC/PS4/XboxOne during Summer 2015. Pizza Box Limited Edition announced (at least for Japan)
  18. I've loved Mario Kart until the Wii version. It's always the same. Played the latest DLC at my mate's. It's always the same. If you enjoy Mario Kart, the main game and DLC are great value, but as you've said if it isn't for you, you should probably not pay full price for it. Edit: And now I realised that I missed your last sentence...you already made your decision so feel free to ignore my post
  19. Well, that's me not getting the game on release day but instead waiting for the GOTY edition.
  20. So, what is this game? Just seen it on the PSN store (It's called "Broken Age" - without any indication whether it's Act 1 or 2 or both..) for 25€. Is it worth it?
  21. All this talk about marathons and running for up to 5 hours... Here I am, proud that I was able to run 4.5km in 30 minutes today
  22. You can't just say that without giving us the list.
  23. Unless you're doing both at the same time it's really not a big deal :p
  24. drahkon


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