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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Aaaaand there's the Platinum What a beast (heh) of a game. Looking forward to the inevitable DLC.
  2. Don't think Nintendo will be that stupid, though. It's the most basic feature of any team based online multiplayer game and it just needs to be there.
  3. So Prison of Elders is basically Horde mode with certain objectives. Cool. But it will probably be impossible to beat with random people.
  4. Would've been my guess, too. That would be horrific, though...
  5. There will be only one local multiplayer mode and it will be 1v1 only. Source
  6. Good thing about that loss: Pep will probably leave Bayern next season. Once again he proved that he is unable to make good substitutions. Rafinha and Bernat with disastrous performances and they remained on the field while he substitutes Müller who is always capable of scoring an insanely impossible goal with Götze He's done it so often this season...
  7. Played 200cc at my mate's. I won 7 out of 8 races and basically owned this shit. My mate couldn't believe it. I still don't like Mario Kart 8, though I wish I'd do...
  8. It runs so smoothly Cannot fucking wait. As soon as I pick this up I will quit social life Edit: Another PS4 Gameplay video I know what my first 30-100 hours will look like: Ignore every main quest available, do all the side stuff and explore everything
  9. It's not a Splatoon-only coverage, though. It's about big games being released in May. Still nice to see some games being talked about in newspapers : peace:
  10. That wasn't the point of discussion, though. It was about how one moment in a conference - with audience and their reception, with presence - can be such a HUGE factor. As is evident by recent numbers in console sales. Nintendo is capable of having many of those moments in one conference (and to make you happy: I mean announcements of games). But they don't do it which is a shame. Directs (while quirky and fun for some) don't have much of an impact in comparison to live conferences.
  11. Reeeeaaaally taking my time with this. Only yesterday I've beaten Plague Knight. The fourth of the Order of No Quarters. Loved the stage. But I feel this game isn't as difficult as the internet made me believe it is. I did die a couple of times, but that was just me being an idiot jumping into death Anyway, it is insanely fun and such a joy to play. : peace:
  12. Now that's funny.
  13. It was possibly the major (one of the major) reason(s) for the PS4's success, so yeah...It's very funny.
  14. The game has got me hooked again. Reached the Lost Bastille now. : peace: That weapon durability bug is still annoying, though
  15. This is just two weeks away..I have the week after its release off but may end up going on a vacation...
  16. Played more of Rocket League just now. My mate was there too and after his first match he said: "I will buy this day one". We didn't even play split-screen as it's not available in the Beta Both of us screemed, cursed, cheered and basically had a lot of fun Can't wait for the full release.
  17. Go and play Dark Souls II now.
  18. Depending on the game mode there are 1, 2, or 3 cars per team.
  19. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3. No idea if there will be more in the full game. There will be local split-screen multiplayer, though. : peace: This could be a great NE-League.
  20. Have played the Rocket League Beta tonight. I'm definitely going to buy the full game : peace: It's a lot of fun.
  21. What the hell...credit card only? Man, I really want to pledge but I don't have a credit card...
  22. Sorry, this isn't a challenge, it's a major inconvenience and something that takes away a lot of enjoyment from the game for me.
  23. Yeah, I basically can't stream anything live on youtube The only stream I was able to watch live was the Felix Baumgartner freefall.
  24. This 60fps weapon durability bug is fucking annoying. Between bonfires 2-3 weapons break, it's ridiculous. Until the patch I probably won't play it. I will, though...
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