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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I don't have enough time to really get back into this Can only play for 20-30 minutes max and that is not really the time to make good progress Damn you, real life Still no news about that promised patch...network stability and loading times desperately need improvement.
  2. Yeah. Intense fighting scenes with a nice approach to convey his abilities. Really enjoyed the first episode. But somehow I fear that I'll be missing a lot of nuances. I always think so when I watch comic book adaptations because I never read comics. I basically only knew that Daredevil is blind
  3. Don't worry, Nintendo warned us enough :p
  4. Of course not Anyway, to answer your question: To me, there is a console with a great quality to quantity ratio and it's not the Wii U. However, I can see where you're coming from. You like the games Nintendo's console has to offer and as a result enjoy it. : peace:
  5. In before the "great, another brown generic FPS"-post. Looking forward to the reveal.
  6. Oh god...this won't end well :p
  7. Yeah, that's why I said it "didn't do much for some". Disagree. H-o-T basically shares my sentiment on why people are driven away.
  8. Yeah, and it hasn't been made a big deal Also...there has been LOTS of positivity after the direct. Of course, the direct didn't do much for some, but most of what I've read was on the line of "good direct".
  9. Just got a code for the Planetside 2 Closed Beta : peace:
  10. Why? If this were a Twitter forum and let's say Grazza used Twitter the same way he uses Miiverse he'd probably moan about this issue, too. Discussions about Nintendo shouldn't surprise you on a Nintendo forum.
  11. That was just a hyperbole to emphasize my point. I was pointing out that saying "Twitter and Facebook do it" doesn't make it right.
  12. So what? If the standard is shit, Nintendo following it is shit, too.
  13. Wii U release? Looking forward to it
  14. Birthday presents for two mates: Beer glasses with the shown engravings : peace:
  15. So, just bought this: Just kidding. Gameplay doesn't sound like I would enjoy it even without clothes.
  16. Pff, I've owned that shit as a kid.
  17. I actually really like Tubular It's easy and fun.
  18. Hm. I've read the first book quite some time after I finished Seasone One so I can't comment on that. Not sure how I should proceed, then...maybe I'll just read as much as I can when I have free time and watch the occasional episode on weekends.
  19. Having trouble summoning a mate in Chalice Dungeons. He can summon me just fine, but whenever I'll ring the beckoning bell and its chime gets discovered by him he won't connect. It's annyoing. Maybe it has to do with the internet at my mom's place...I'll be at my place again from tomorrow onwards. Hopefully it'll work then... Anyway, reached the layer 3 boss of another storyline Chalice Dungeon. I think that I'll get that item afterwards. However, I'm just too dumb to beat the boss. He's not that difficult but I cannot for the love of God evade two of his attacks and this always results in death.
  20. It's him provoking. And quite frankly, I can't believe he gets away with it over and over again. Anyway, looking for a nice co-op game to play with my girlfriend (she doesn't really play video game except Mario Kart Wii twice a year). Affordable Space Adventures is on my list. Is it a game for noobs, @dazzybee? What I mean: Could my girlfriend get to grips with it easily?
  21. Alright. I've watched 3 episodes of the first Season about a year ago. Didn't really click with me. Earlier this year I gave it another chance, watched the first Season in 3 days and somehow it clicked and I loved it. Bought the 5 books (and finished the first one just now) and borrowed Season two on Bluray from a mate. How to proceed now? What I'm thinking: Watch an episode and read the corresponding chapters of the second book afterwards. Could do it the other way around but then I wouldn't know where to stop reading... Oooooor: read the whole book and then watch the episodes or vice versa. Think I'll go with one episode + corresponding chapters. : peace:
  22. Not sure as I'm still very early with Chalice Dungeons, but you can check reddit for a list of Chalice Glyphs which create dungeons that include a lot of items/gear. Edit: Beat two bosses from (I assume) optional areas : peace: Haven't fully explored them, yet, though. However, the Chalice Dungeons take up most of my playtime. Finished a couple of the "storyline dungeons" and I think I'm close to getting that one item which makes Chalice Co-op/Invasions easier.
  23. And that makes it ok?
  24. Aprox. two hours ago I posted the following in the Wii U BoIR thread:
  25. It is I'm only missing ONE item to get the Platinum trophy. But this might take a loooong time Spent possibly 70-80 hours with this game and in a couple of months the announced expansion Afterbirth gets a release. : peace:
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