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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Is PSN down? This says no, but I can't connect to PSN on my PS4 Edit: Nevermind it literally just worked.
  2. Basically Spaetzle are noodles. Soft egg noodles mostly served in Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Spaetzle dough consists of very few ingrediengts: Salt, flour, eggs. This is what it can look like :p The dough is easy to make, turning it into noodles is tedious, though, without the special equipment (which I don't have)
  3. Today's dinner: rump steak with cheese spaetzle. Never made either. Let's hope they will turn out nicely and let's hope my girlfriend will like it
  4. Yup, but I sincerely hope that the standard with the next console will be: a cheap 5TB SSD. Just put the stock PS4 HD into the casing of the 2TB one. Pretty sweet : peace:
  5. YES, that's how it's done Agree, that's why I didn't lock on after my first death. Worked like a charm. Hopefully it won't stop here : peace:
  6. Yeah, thank God I could backup my data. Since I can't get more than 1.5mb per seconds it would've taken ages to re-download all my shit. Now it "only" takes 3 hours to restore everything. Well, I have to do some shopping so it's not that bad. Anyway, switching the hard drives was easy as pie. Getting the 2TB HD out of the casing took me longer than everything else
  7. Same with me. But I'll wait until I have finished Bloodborne.
  8. amiibo this, amiibo that urgh, annoying Well, this Direct did nothing for me. But I didn't expect anything.
  9. Mario Maker in September. lol Mellow mode in Yoshi's Wooly World...Why not make an opposite mode...a hard mode... Looks cool, though.
  10. I apologize. That was not my intention. Somehow I often tend to write in that manner when I try to give advice. Need to work on it. You don't, basically. You can buy/find different weapons but they aren't necessarily better. They change the way you have to fight. Upgrading weapons is where it's at. However this is something you should try to figure out for yourself when you get the chance to do so. This is Bloodborne (or the Souls games) in a nutshell: Go forth and discover. And if this is really not the thing you like to do...then this game is simply not for you. (rhyme not intentional) There is actually nothing more for us to say. If we tell you more we will spoil everything. And I believe that this isn't the way to play games
  11. Patience and perseverance are key. Learning how to fight, how to use the weapon you have, how to deal with all the enemies. This is what's expected of you. To be honest, you don't seem to like it and don't want to put in the effort that is needed in order to succeed. Trade it in. You'll be missing out on the best and most rewardig gaming experience you have ever had, though.
  12. My 2TB hard drive arrived : peace: Wanted to exchange it now, but do a backup first. This would take 5 hours... Well, I'll do the backup over night so I can play this evening
  13. It doesn't. It is purposely designed that way. If you don't like you should rather spend your money on something else. This will never be patched, and it is in no way in need of a patch.
  14. Patch is out for Europe, too : peace: Entered the Forbidden Woods and progressed quite a lot (I think). I need to find that shortcut to the Lamp...hope I haven't already missed it Edit: Found it. Phew
  15. Oh yeah, I remember that the NES Castlevanias aren't Metroidvanias I think I had the Symphony of the Night re-release on my Xbox. Don't have my Xbox anymore, though
  16. Indeed. Trying to get a SNES copy of Super Metroid on ebay but it is too expensive for me right now. Have the game on my Wii U (or Wii, not sure) but I want the complete retro package : peace: Same with Castlevania. Need to get a NES first. But money is currently not readily available. Played more of Axiom Verge last night. Got a new weapon which let's me glitch enemies..yes...you read that right
  17. Patch is out in he US. Source - Reddit post This is NOT the promised "loading time patch".
  18. Never Alone is supposed to be great with a second player. If it's not too difficult I'll try to convince my girlfriend to give it a go with me Tower of Guns looks kinda cool Killzone Mercenary. Remember playing the beta. Was interesting. Never heard of Aaru's Awakening and Monster Bag. Dishonored. Nothing to say. It's awesome.
  19. 20 minutes of backtracking is way too much. There must be a short cut you've missed. So far I've had to backtrack 4-5 minutes MAX to each boss I've encountered. And for the most part you simply just run pass all the enemies if their echoes aren't worth it.
  20. Indeed. There was a patch recently, though, if I remember correctly. Think I downloaded it in Reset Mode, but didn't really pay attention. Not sure if it changed anything interesting. With Spotify being available I can see myself getting back to it for the occasional mission. Oh man, hope they release the controller separately...but I'm guessing they won't
  21. drahkon

    Diablo 3

    Pretty sure it will change once you change to Torment, but I haven't played the game in months so what do I know The first few difficulties have never been difficult, though. Man, I really need to get back to Diablo 3. A new expansion would make me do so immediately. Or another big content patch... Quite tempted to just start a new class again. Urgh, so much to play, though However, Spotify + Diablo 3 is a match made in heaven. Edit: Patch 2.2.0 is on its way. Supposed to be out early April. PC and console versions to be updated almost simultaneously.
  22. Everyone's a noob at their first Souls game. Well, everyone's a noob at the first try at any Souls game no matter how many you've already played Glad you're enjoying it. It only gets better and better.
  23. A homage to Super Metroid and judging from the first 10 minutes (which included the first boss) it may very well turn out to be a sublime one. It's out on PS4 now (17.99€), PC and Vita (cross-buy; cross-save still not confirmed) versions are to follow soon. Never finished Super Metroid or a Castlevania game even though I love Metroidvanias. This may make me revisit those games.
  24. Sooooooo.... Finished the first Chalice Dungeon. Did it co-op style with a mate. It took some time to understand the co-op mechanics but when it worked it was a fucking blast. Seriously, it was so god damn good. Best game.
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