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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I've started the first one about a million times but never finished it. It's on my to-do list, though Hope that the sequel will arrive on PS consoles eventually. It looks like a logical evolution of Axiom Verge.
  2. This game has a weird obsession with showing you new stuff to do and then not letting you do it for a while. "Oh hey, here's a new area for you to explore with enemies and eventually some mini-bosses to fight. Here's a tutorial on how it all works." Cool. "HAHA, CAN'T ACCESS THIS SIDE STUFF FOR 7 DAYS, THOUGH, BECAUSE PLOT!" Ah well, 7 days ain't so bad. "HAHA, NEW MAIN MISSION WITH A DEADLINE. BE SURE TO NOT FUCK IT UP!" 11 hours in and Persona 5 has been more annoying than fun so far, to be honest...it's supposed to be one of the best games of the last generation so I'll give a few more chances. However, it does need to change quite drastically. Throwing more new things to do and then locking them up for a lengthy period of playtime is not something I want from a game.
  3. If I understand it correctly, in World the endgame was available from the start (and actually on the disc), but in Rise the endgame or rather the actual conclusion to the story doesn't exist, yet.
  4. Yeah, people with no reliable online connection are fucked. They're stuck with an unfinished version of the game.
  5. That's even worse Anyways, I know what kind of game MH is, just found it interesting that the issue at hand is present and not talked about more.
  6. I was waiting for that It's a fair point, but I still think the issue at hand is unacceptable. Then again: I don't really care about this game Just found it interesting that some games seem to get a free pass no matter what. (Edit: And no, I'm not only talking about Nintendo games/exclusives)
  7. Our government keeps on shitting the bed. Last year before summer it went very well, but recent months have been atrocious. We're still lacking in vaccinations (it's unbelievable to see so many countries at a much higher percentage of people vaccinated), we keep extending lockdowns but with some weird stuff like "church gatherings can still take place" and every decision is so confusing that nobody knows what is allowed and what isn't. The pandemic itself I've gotten used to quite a long time ago but the constant hassle the government is producing is exhausting...
  8. Defeated the first boss. Not a fan of the special mechanic introduced in that fight. I would assume that future boss battles make use of that one, too... Anyways, the first palace wasn't too bad. A major step up from the palaces in P4G. Those were a drag. So far so...ok. Hope that the overarching plot line will get some attention soon.
  9. It sure did. Spent my time leveling up some confidants and my party. I've been told that I've explored half of the first palace on my first real expedition. Nice 5 1/2 hours in...it's Persona alright. Let's see if it can keep my attention longer than P4G did.
  10. Started Persona 5 today. 3 hours in and I really hope the game opens up soon. The hand-holding is getting a little ridiculous at this point. Doesn't help that the story around the first palace is garbage.
  11. Well...I got the Platinum trophy for Remnant: From the Ashes, one of the most recent additions to the PS+ library. No idea why I did it It's not a very good game...janky, clunky, not very creative and yet I played it for 26 hours and got the Platinum Played most of it with mates so that probably helped.
  12. Been playing Remnant: From the Ashes for the last few days. It's dumb, it's clunky, it's janky, it's bland but I can't stop playing Probably helps that a few mates and I do the occasional co-op session. I'm close to finishing the (very short) campaign. I don't care for the story, the world, the lore, anything really. And yet, I keep playing. Weird times...
  13. Every season is pretty much a standalone story, is it not? I remember watching S1 and liking it very much.
  14. Is that so? Lemme check that thread real quick... To be honest, I don't really remember if I finished it...it's been 6 years. But I just checked my trophies and it looks like I did reach the end. Reading through the thread I think I was just annoyed by a weird bug which has been fixed so I probably enjoyed it in the end.
  15. I think it's because of the DLC. Haven't played it myself, but I think I remember reading that a lot of areas added in expansions are rather annoying.
  16. Never heard of that game. Looks great
  17. This won't be the PS5 patch, though, in case you didn't know.
  18. Change the thread title, @Julius DO IT NOW! And yeah, this looks amazing.
  19. It's funny. I always read about how people love gyro aiming, and I can appreciate its precision but I just can't get along with it. Hell, I can't even do mouse and keyboard gaming anymore...No idea why. I prefer aiming with the right analogue stick.
  20. One of my best mates managed to order a PS5 and got it a few hours ago. That fucker didn't tell me Anyways, just got a text which loosely translates to: "The DualSense is fucking amazing. Astro's Playroom is fucking amazing. This is all fucking amazing." I'd say he's having fun.
  21. Next-gen VR on PS5: the new controller Sony are firing on all cylinders. This is awesome Definitely gonna wait for PSVR2 before diving into the VR gaming scene. Gotta start saving now, I assume
  22. The Platinum Architect – Mark Cerny On His Fascination With PlayStation Trophies Paging @Hero-of-Time It's a great read Resogun started it for me, too Since then, I've spent quite a lot of time on getting the odd Platinum here and there. I even called myself a trophy hunter for a while. But this has fizzled out over the past one or two years. Now I only get Platinums if I truly enjoy a game (or if it's a co-op game and my mates wanna get the trophy, too). He and I are quite alike I love a good challenge.
  23. Oh boy.
  24. These will be available from 25th of March until April 22. And Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition will be up for grabs between April 19 and May 14. via PlayStation.blog Sony delivering the goods. Can't wait to give Rez, Abzu and Subnautica a go. And eventually the Horizon DLC
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