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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. His desire is logical though. If the games don't do well then they will be more likely to change to try to please their old fans that have since left and get good/acceptable sales again. In a reverse way of thinking, the Wii did well so they carried on making similar sorts of games and with a similar console strategy (low spec, unique input method).
  2. @Jimbob, trying to work something out. Who did you target last night?
  3. I'm not sure, I completely lost interest when I found out they were selling it as some sort of individual game packages. Seemed weird that they would charge for this when the original was free. Better to package it with the Wii U I think.
  4. Well people bought the Wii pretty much for Wii Sports, and Wii Sports Club isn't selling the Wii U.
  5. I never had it. I just imagined it.
  6. I could have had the Ashes. But then I bowled a wiiide. Definition #6.
  7. Aye, it's annoying when people imply that the high-spec competition only caters to dull grey bile. All that comes across is that the person really hasn't played a huge range of games on the other systems. Which is often the case.
  8. Great for casuals, but many people have lost interest. I never even knew Wii Fit really had a 'character' until Nintendo decided to make it one for Smash.
  9. I'm not moaning about how much their characters get about (although that would be a valid moan if you take both consoles and handhelds into account), rather how they don't seem to be coming up with new characters with accompanying new game structures anymore. It's like a load of guys did the work some time ago, and somebody said 'just run with it'.
  10. So the description is pretty vague then. @Cube recognise. That's where my Viagra got to.
  11. I don't know, just changing the body proportions of the character, a colour change and adjustment of the moustache in some sort of Photoshop frenzy seems a bit lazy to me. Plus it'd part of that 'Mario family'. It'd be nice to see a new non-sports character get their own game series. Nearly all the Nintendo characters we're familiar with that get their own games are pretty old now.
  12. I would like them to come up with something and someone new. Not Waluario.
  13. It's changed now, it said for the past few days that it was 355
  14. No item? *Grab item* just in case it was supposed to have been dropped. I used mine thinking there'd just be another to pick up again. I've not got a PM yet, I guess ReZ is still sending them, but you'll know what I did if you had a 'good time' last night. Second post: Oh, I see a Lionel Richie Mug. Didn't see that when I was replying for some reason. *grab it*
  15. I think I would dip my cradle in paint rather than pay that many stars. :p Worst thing ever when they made them expire.
  16. Yeah it does suck, and really we have no idea of knowing just what they're doing and how much effort it takes them. All we can do is use our own experience with emulators to guess at least the effort on the technical (but not marketing) side.
  17. What even is that?
  18. I would say 99%, even above that figure play flawlessly on SNES9X, and I say that after having played the shit out of tons of games on emulator back in the day. And if they really are taking so long to release because they're trying to obtain (frankly ludicrous) levels of perfection on simple 2D games then they're doing it wrong. Totally. If there is tweaking needing to be done I don't see how it would take so long, especially given that they are the professionals.
  19. So you can get a PS4 + Lego Marvel Heroes for £355 at Argos, effectively making the cost of the game a fiver. Not bad if anyone is looking to buy right now. Scroll lower down the page to where it says special offers. I think the console is collect from store only.
  20. I wonder how many of them 3DS/2DS sales came from them Pokemon + 2DS £99 bundles?
  21. Buy the printer Print more printers ??? Profit!
  22. I'd love to see Pokémon schnapps. It plays out exactly the same as Snap, except the guy you play as gets totally wasted and jumps off the tracks and goes to live with and learn the ways of the Pokémon. I think that's how Mr Mime started out.
  23. I know a lot of what I have to say about Nintendo these days is negative (even though I have enjoyed a few of their games recently), but that's just a reflection of the times. It's unlikely you'll find the forum filled with Nintendo praise when a lot of people aren't happy with the way things are going. It's just a sign of the times. At the start of the Wii and DS, these discussions really weren't around to the same extent because people were generally happy with what they were getting. TL;DR try not to get down about it, other people's dissatisfaction shouldn't really affect what you think. And yeah, the positive thread.
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