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Everything posted by 4q2

  1. Flaight, I understand what you are saying, but it does all come down to the same thing.....responsibility of the owner or user, its the reason these laws are forced into play. When this all goes through either of the two groups involved are criminals once caught in posession, that is where it is one to one. 'High-end drugs' (by this I presume you mean class A) can have a profound negative effect on the brain if done irresponsibly. The very society you live in can also do that too just by living in it. Stress can do the same. Again the list is never ending, I could go on forever with things that arent drug based can cause the same effect. If you think it is irrelevant to the whole subject, then fine....to me criminalisation of something that could be abused is one and the same subject. Drugs are sat in here as an example of how peoples perceptions turn hypocritical when the law affects them. Rick Dangerous....Its nice to see one with an open minded perception : peace: Chris, Guns arent legal to collect unless they are dummy replicas (and if the law gets its way on that it'll soon be a thing of the past with the recent furore over BB guns and the like). Even replicas could get your house busted down by the police. Swords can easily be ground to a point, I mean what is saying that the swords you collect arent sharpened ? What is saying that after a particularly stressful event you wouldnt wield that sword in a way society deems menacing (regardless of license).... Add to that how could you really issue a license to sword collectors ? It would only give an address of where swords are kept and taking some kind of psychiatric test to collect something does not seem right (some would argue collectiong is a form of mania anyway) If the minority is small......why cant responsible people legally take drugs in their own homes and why is that particular group devoid/violated of rights ? Swings and roundabouts comes to mind.
  2. There is an overuse of the word chav in my area, thats because its got an overpopulation of 'em. There isnt a bus stop where you dont see a group of the horrid little shits wearing their baseball caps underneath their hoodies. If it was down to me I would have just labelled them as tw4ts. http://www.fat-pie.com/chavs.htm
  3. Alchohol would have been banned or have been on the cards a long time ago if it wasnt for its widespread usage and therefore a subject people understand. As illustrated various groups within society think they know it all (ie. drugs) without actually having any real experience....they will condemn until the cows come home and they are not bothered about the real truth. I can drink without wanting to knock 10 shades out of a person, its a small amount of people who have a problem with going too far, and that is understood by a large part of society, hence the reason for it being a tolerated vice. Drugs do not control peoples reactions. I admit at various points in my life I have done everything other than heroin, and not once have I lost control of my thoughts, mugged or harmed another person, sold substances to anyone else, and strangely enough neither has any one friend of mine. In fact drugs have been around in usage longer than weapons, and it never caused the downfall of civilisation before, the difference now is the material value of them and the law that forces that value up. To my knowledge anyone I know who owns ornamental or real swords have not used them to commit crime..... There is a good answer for all the above, its because the people involved were responsible and educated and actually have morals. So to sum it all up: Minorities of people can fuck things up for everyone. Alcohol can be drunk by irresponsible people and there can be a million crimes committed off the back of it. Drugs can be taken by irresponsible people and ditto. Swords can be owned by irresponsible people and ditto again. Cars can be driven by irresponsible people..... Bricks can be flung by irresponsible people..... The list can go on, but the whole point is you cannot really cry about the law pissing on your strawberries when you end up being part of that minority.
  4. Wish I was 17 again.... 33 is my true age (dont feel it though), but the looking younger thing has cropped up with various people quite often over the last 4 years....I thought they were just being kind to start with, but I'm starting to realise the comment happens often without any prompt. Last year I was asked for ID in a pub, which was flattering....of course I had to leave (With a massive smile on my face, admittedly) because the only thing close to ID that I was carrying was a credit card, lol. As to the swimming pools, try the local gyms...some may allow you to use them without paying full membership.
  5. A few beers at a karaoke night and 'Blueberry Hill' is my weapon of choice.
  6. If you also look at the screenshots you will notice ninjabread man is the hardest character as he has 99 lives....
  7. I would say go swimming, its apparently one of the best forms of exercise you can get. Myself, I tend to walk everywhere a lot and it hasnt done me too bad...My body fat index was checked a few weeks ago as excellent and I supposedly look 10 years younger than my real age.
  8. 4q2


    We cant use freeview where I live as the signal is not good enough, even Channel 5 doesnt receive well. Luckily that isnt a problem as I have cable, although I dont know why I bother because 99.9% of everything televised these days is shite anyway.
  9. Incorrect, you are a minority of under 30's within society who like to own swords. I dare bet any majority of society will ever support the motion of it being a legal right to own one. Can you see the Daily Mirrors "SOS - Save our Swords campaign" ever being a reality ? Society as a majority thinks that swords and weapons of any description are a menace. Society as a majority thinks that drugs of most descriptions are a menace. The two things may be a different issue, but as far as narrow-minded society goes they have made up their mind on both subjects. There are parallels with both drugs and weapons and it all comes down to responsible ownership and/or usage. If swords are only something to look at, allow the government to ban and replace with non metallic constructed replicas, collect kendo swords or go and view them at a museum...at least that option stays. People dont keep drugs to look at, quite true.....but there is the issue that a educated sensible user will not subject everyone to their usage (the smoking ban isnt a blanket ban, it does not apply to private places, I can still make people passive smoke in my abode ). Contrary to popular belief they dont send people insane with moderate usage, and the whole thing of 'leads to bigger things' is a product of seeing the nasty dealer who just happens to recommend that he has something else to try. (You can beat this comment down and disagree if you like, but I know the only drug I have seen cause true damage over the last 20 years has been heroin). For the record, I do own a set of rather nice bamboo finish katana's and know peoples feelings on the subject, the same applied when I got my first set of nunchuks and when I purchased a Bo when I was a practising martial artist. Society sucks in its attitude on a range of subjects, I know, but all it takes is a little bit a newspaper controversy and the world is sold and gets on its high horse. At the end of the day any sword no matter who owns it could be used to injure or kill.....that is as far as the majority will allow the debate to go, simple as, and arguing that they are better than looking at Leonardo collection ornaments wont cut it either. They are only swords, we can live without them.....its not like they serve any purpose. If you decide that you dont want to live without them, and consider yourself as educated and responsible enough to own one regardless, just continue ownership and become one of the growing number of people who are at risk of becoming criminal for their beliefs.
  10. By deed poll: http://www.ukdps.co.uk/
  11. Will people sign my petition to legalise class B drugs in Britain ? One day I hope to own several strains of super skunk which I promise will be only for my own viewing pleasure. I dont agree this plant should be illegal, if someone wants to destroy their body they can do it just as easy or more effectively with alcohol or breathing city air near any congested road system.... When the government want you to give something up, you may as well just accept that society deems it a menace and agree. No amount of debating will change their mind.
  12. Excellent choice of film. 11/10 The number 23. Unimpressed, boring, shite ending imho . 2/10 (10/2=5 and 5=2+3 = 7 quid down the frigging pan)
  13. Ninjabread man is a quality title. Shame to waste it on what doesnt seem to be a safe bet of a game really. Nintendo probably gave them developer status on that title alone. As for the Earache extreme racing thing-a-ma-bob, im only interested if they dare use Napalm Deaths 'From enslavement to obliteration' as part of the soundtrack...
  14. Anton Forque Tou. Possibly....
  15. I most want them all ! If I have to choose one though SMG gets it. Never really felt short-changed by a Mario Game and there is usually plenty to work at once the game is complete.
  16. 4q2


    I agree it is worrying that nothing has been shown of this title other than concept artwork....For the amount of time Nibris have been 'working' on this I would have expected to at least see some evidence of an early build of the game. Also Smutnica sounds more like a porn site than some weird creature.
  17. The post has its uses other than just extending the cable. The one thing that I dont think is great about the sensor bar is the flimsy nature of the cable. If at any point the cable breaks or loses continuity once the warranty is up, there is your quick fix.
  18. I know he didnt, but imagine the promotional potential. Saying that parents would want to keep the small kids away from the Wii if Wacko was involved.
  19. Is Michael Jackson releasing a new album soon ? It could be Moonwalker 2.
  20. If only....... That or Rez.
  21. Nobody ever managed to push the GC to its true limits graphics wise. People oohed and aaahed at the site of RE4 and the truth was it could have been bettered if anyone had tried. Given a good bit of talent and know-how a developer could make a game shine on Wii without upping the power. I've mentioned it before, but in days of old developers would actually try to optimise code and create new techniques of pushing the envelope when the roof of a system had been hit....Now its all lazyness....port this, devkit that, use this stock sample. We live in a generation where when a techology wall is hit the developer just waits for the next technology to realise their dream. The one thing in favour of the Wii's given technology is that many smaller studios can develop without a large budget and if anyone will truly push the envelope it will be them. (Zootfly apparently are now developing for the system based on that...another one on board)
  22. They have to put in some sort of back up plan for when taxes are lost on ciggies and possibly beer. Cars seem like a fair place to start for the next "dirty and polluting my space" habit....
  23. 4q2

    Your status

    Got a Wii and a 360. As it stands I have no personal justification for purchasing a PS3, if it proves itself and comes down to a more reasonable cost I may consider getting one.
  24. Definitely the best episode of Crystal Maze I ever saw was this one:
  25. Looking forward to this one, if its as enjoyable as Thousand Year Door I will be happy.
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