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Everything posted by 4q2

  1. Must be on the list to be released v.soon though I would have thought, otherwise it wouldnt be there... Alternatively they may have seen a ton of page hits and thought they would delay it just to spite us all.
  2. I'll end up watching it and shouting at the screen a lot (One reason I have given up on any advertised movie over the past few years) because they will present a shallow story of a deep and fascinating subject.
  3. 4q2

    Hot Fuzz

    The best thing would be for them to do that third series of Spaced that was apparently on the drawing board at one point.
  4. Rez, complete with true ending several times.
  5. From that nominees list, its all record company sponsored shite that lacks everything. Nelly Furtado is worth one these days though....
  6. 4q2

    Hot Fuzz

    I havent seen it yet, I have stopped chasing the whole dream that anything produced by the team can better Spaced, rushed out to see SoTD on release day and felt more than underwhelmed by the experience. A definite download first (if the hype gets big enough) and possibly pay to see afterwards style experience for me Im afraid.
  7. Being honest its probably an acquired taste...I preferred everything from the theme tune to the political incorrectness to the LSD laced storylines. Nowhere else would you find a very young Nicholas Lyndhurst playing a Hitler Youth member sealed away in an underground bunker in the UK guarding and awaiting the the awakening of a cryogenically suspended Adolf Hitler.... Remember the first episode of Buck Rogers being shown in the UK when I was knee high...Most people should at least know of it if they saw the Cartman Wii Southpark episode. And Space precinct ? Yep.....Amused the fuck outta me for the fact that even an alien Police chief followed the usual Irish stereotype. Quality:geek:
  8. Thanks, Its for the best under the circumstances and at least it was quick. In honesty its my mother Im worried about due to them being close, I dont think she will take it well when it sinks in.
  9. Shocked. My parents have just got back from my Uncles house and informed me he has passed away. He was Diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas a few weeks ago.
  10. Airwolf, Six Million Dollar Man, Blakes 7, Tom Baker era Dr Who, the original 70's Tomorrow People (None of that Kristian Schmid 90's shite), The Prisoner, Sledge Hammer!, The Adventure Game, Bullseye Adam and Joe Show. All For teh win. That reminds me. Adam and Joe+The Crystal Maze+Star Wars = Hilarious.
  11. I can see that POV, and its most likely accurate. SSX Tricky for me was not an intentional thing, I rented it out of boredom and the next thing I knew I was addicted and purchased it. Loved the way it controlled and pulling off the moves were second nature after a few goes....I rembember for the first month raising the joypad in the air one handed constantly after pulling off some "Sick" (i believe thats the yooth terminology ) Uber-combo. The game was a rush... I hunted that same experience with Tony Hawks and even Kelly Slaters Pro Surfing, and none could match it for me until SSX3. The Soundtracks always seemed well fitting as well.
  12. In all honesty, I never really hated EA....They supported the GC with more titles than the average 3rd party. They gave me many hours fun with SSX Tricky and SSX3 and I respect them for those titles alone. They have continued to show support with SSX Blur for Wii, and no doubt have a bagfull of other stuff for the future. Maybe some of the future titles will be mediocre, but if they manage to produce a few games that make a worthy purchase for me I have no complaint. If they boost the Wii's sales with some of the mediocre titles, I have no complaint. The only thing I have reservations about atm is the art style of the new SSX characters, and the seemingly non-existant and dumped Marisol. (Its a personal thing, but my view will most likely change when I purchase the game)
  13. My thoughts too....its a fantastic game, especially when you do the perfect ending. In a perfect world I would love to see Tetsuya Mizuguchi go out and do the 'Rez 2' thing.
  14. Im one who prefers to see a game built from the ground up, but there are a couple I wouldnt mind seeing: -Rez. (DC would do me) PLEASE. -The Warriors (Xbox) -Shadows Of the Colossus (PS2, I can dream)
  15. Alive. (And wide awake)
  16. Idiocity - Worth a few Beavis and Butthead style belly laughs. 6/10
  17. I have played a good few incarnations of the later series, but I dunno, I think preferred the simplicity of the earlier games. I bought the Marvel vs SF game for the Xbox a while ago and being honest I never really bothered with it. That could have been down to the fact I bought Kung Fu Chaos at the same time.
  18. Dunno if its of interest: Source: http://www.nintendic.com/news/316 The mention of the arcade game intrigued me as I hadnt come across that title in the arcade before, however after a bit of digging I think it may be a game that appeared in the arcades, then was released on the PS2 called Ex Zeus: Screenies: http://www.tothegame.com/screenshot.asp?id=3346 Could be another port, could be a laugh, I could be totally wrong about what I figure may be the game I have posted above....
  19. Man/Woman.... I forgot that one.
  20. I'll say it... Its a scam of massive proportions, created by greetings card companies to fleece poor souls like myself and be put on a guilt trip for not participating. I admit, I love my lady loads, I wouldnt want her to feel left out so I will buy her a card and take her out for an expensive meal and gift this w/e...(hook in mouth....bastards!!)
  21. Strangely enough I almost made that comment last night and refrained. Wii is for kids ? So on the strength of the RE series, Killer7 etc are Capcom reflecting the age old fact that mature games are more likely to attract the under-aged section of gaming ?
  22. Maybe Im being a bit on the paranoid side here, but my post was sarcasm all the way. 3 months is not long enough for any console to have an astounding range of games, especially when it had next to no 3rd party support at the start of its conception (My main gripe with the GC). As far as I am concerned Im happy, early adoption of a new format always starts slowish... There is always room for improvement, but Nintendo are doing well for now, who knows what they are up to, they always have something on the back burner (Most likely some plan to counter a certain future PS3 price drop). There are more positives than negatives this time round: The release of the console was quicker than ever for the European audience. The inclusion of Wifi when all other consoles are making you pay through the nose for it. The inclusion of free online services (Nintendo promised it and they are delivering, maybe slowly, but it is there). A cheap entry level for all to gaming. The seemingly daily attraction of new 3rd parties due to innovation.....Lets face it, if they had have followed the home console technology roadmap of the other 2 rivals, they would have been dead before they started. The technology can do a lot more than it has demonstrated to date....improvement will come with time.
  23. -More games. (I dont have time to play them, but what the hell, its an improvement) -Better Graphics. (I dont have an issue with the graphics, but its another improvement) -HD Support. (Why not ?) -DVD and CD Support (Saves Me getting off my arse and using my Hi spec Hifi components). -Telepathic sensor (Why waste time moving when you can just think about it ?) -Online Pizza delivery service/channel. (Never a bad idea) -Redesigned Wii compatible R.O.B. with Bartending skills. (To attract a good quantity of mature gamers)
  24. Anything by or involving Chris Morris, The Gay Daleks(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWy8g5718vk....Never got a proper series due to Terry Nations widow denying Victor Lewis Smith rights for a series but piss funny), Spaced, Sledge Hammer! and probably a billion others I have forgot...
  25. 4q2


    Game and watch and their million and one counterparts. (the Grandstand electronic games did a brief appearance occasionally, but were a bit bulky to carry to school everyday). Rubiks cubes.
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