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Everything posted by bob

  1. Maybe that's why it got rebooted?
  2. Weird that the news about them releasing PS exclusives on the PC wasn't saved for this...
  3. Bought this thought. It's great! Every level has me amazed at how clever the solution is.
  4. Minecraft is far more significant in gaming history than Banjo Kazooie, which was basically a Mario 64 clone. I mean, I loved the game, but it was hardly revolutionary, and it didn't sell very well. Minecraft on the other hand was/is a phenomenon. Unfortunately, the main character is about as bland as you can get. It would be better if you had a few Minecraft levels and items in Smash, and then the character of BK.
  5. Considering how hard I failed at the dancing minigame in Yakuza 0 (which is pretty much exactly the same as this), I don't think I'll enjoy this game.
  6. I might as well submit an application. You never know, and 1 million yen is nothing to sniff at.
  7. I never really play through a game more than once, so it would be perfect for me. Similarly, if they can get some of the Fifa/Madden games on there, people only ever want to play the latest one anyway, so they would probably sign up.
  8. It's just the same as Netflix though. If I stop paying, I lose access to all those films and TV shows.
  9. Just makes the 4 billion they spent on Star Wars seem even more of a bargain.
  10. Doesn't surprise me, Pixar films have been fucking miserable for a while now.
  11. My wife is vegetarian, and generally we found it quite easy (although she does sometimes eat fish). Certainly way easier than other East Asian countries (*cough* South Korea) We found an amazing burger chain that offered veggie versions of pretty much everything on the menu, which was a nice surprise. Regarding menus, most of them had English translations, or had a separate English version. For everything else, I used Google translate to search for ingredients and avoid surprises. I went in 2017 as well, so they could well have ramped it up for the Olympics, but Kyoto was pretty accessable too. However, I suspect the more rural you are, the harder it will get, and the more careful you will have to be with menus.
  12. I spoke absolutely no Japanese, and had very few issues. In Tokyo, lots of people spoke English, and we got by with everyone else by pointing and gesturing. Everyone was very friendly and helpful, even if neither of you spoke a word of the other language. Pretty much all signs are in English, but for anything that wasn't, I used the Google translate app to view things though my camera. It wasn't great, but you got the gist. We only went to Tokyo and Kyoto, so things might be worse if you venture further afield, but I doubt people are going to get less helpful and friendly! The only time I remember having any problems was when we were trying to buy tickets to the Studio Ghibli museum via a self-service ticket machine in a convenience store (bizarrely, this is how you do it). The machine didn't have an English setting and we went round in circles a few times before realising they were sold out of tickets, which is why it wouldn't let us buy them.
  13. I don't remember anything that particularly stood out to me that did this. Which lines/ scenes do you mean?
  14. I think I'm done with the game now. I thought I would do a few of the smaller trophies and finish off the real estate storyline, but the thing is just too damn long. The game does not respect your time at all. There's just too much pointless shit to do that takes ages. According to Howlongtobeat, the average time to complete the main game is 30 hours, but the time to get the platinum is 136 hours. And most of it is pointless grinding like eating every single meal at every single restaurant. 100 hours of faff. Just overwhelmingly too much to do. In my opinion, a well designed game should place you about 70% of the way through all the activities in the game, once you complete the main story. Then if you like, you can go through and finish a few other things off. Adding 350% of content into the game is just insanity. Anyway, good game.
  15. This one sounds like something you'd show schoolchildren to teach them about sexual consent.
  16. Wally Bear and the NO! Gang Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom The California Raisins: The Grape Escape Big Nose Freaks Out Frog Adventure All absolute classics, I think you'll agree. For real though, I never played the NES, so I'll join in when you get to a better console.
  17. These unelected elitist bureaucrats with their elections!
  18. Yeah I should clarify, our card didn't work everywhere. It worked in maybe 50% of cash machines, and fewer POS machines, so just be really careful if you want to use one.
  19. Did you get that the wrong way round? The poster looks like every other Marvel poster, just a different shade...
  20. I went to Japan a couple of years ago, and loved it. It's such a unique country with bizarre experiences and lovely people. As for recommendations, we enjoyed going to a cat café, but other themed cafés are available - we saw a hedgehog and an owl one, depending on your preference. Akiharbara is great for wandering around if you want tech stuff. There was one multistorey store that has an astonishing amount of stuff in it. Like going to Comic Con but on 9 levels and rammed with games, toys, merchandise etc. Also, there isn't just one Pokémon Centre, we ended up in three different ones (two in Tokyo, and one in Kyoto, I think). Prepare to buy much tat. The Skytower in Tokyo is expensive, but worth it for the fantastic view. We often pay to go up the tallest tower or building in a new city to help spot interesting areas or buildings we want to visit. When getting around Tokyo, be aware that most of the Subway lines are owned by one company, and as such you can buy a pass to get around. However two (?) of the lines are owned by a separate company, and so your ticket won't work on these. It's a minor inconvenience, but we just bought the pass for the majority of lines, and avoided having to use the other two. The Japanese don't really do card transactions. You'll pretty much have to use cash everywhere aside from some of the fancier restaurants. Keep a ready supply of change too, because you'll be stopping every 50 meters or so at a vending machine to try out a different strange beverage. Getting a hot can of coffee out of a vending machine is a real experience; getting a can of what you assume is grape juice, but turns out to have slimy grape jelly floating in it, is not. I can't think of anything else right now, but if I do, I'll be sure to spam this thread.
  21. It's actually the last 20 mins. The whole film is just sadness and self-reflection, but then Captain Marvel shows up in the last 5 minutes, destroys Thanos and rewinds time using the gauntlet to save the day.
  22. There was a guy sitting in front of me during Captain Marvel who yelped when the Avengers trailer came on beforehand. He was flailing around stuffing his fingers in his ears until eventually his girlfriend threw a coat over his head.
  23. The vote to the amendment was lost by 4. The actual vote against No Deal was lost by 43. Same outcome though.
  24. It's going to be eye-opening that's for sure. Time for some hardcore Brexiteers to put their money where their mouth is.
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