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Everything posted by bob

  1. It's clear to me that Alex Ferguson is Batman crazy... He's already formed a front line of Wayne and Robin, and now he's after (Christian) Bale as well. Not to speak of Alfred the Buttner.
  2. It sounds a bit like Diamonds are Forever.....but messed around. I can't stand Adele either.
  3. This is quite awesome, an artist removes the growth rings of a tree to reveal the tree as it was at a younger age:
  4. Awkward.....you went for low five, and he went for fist bump....
  5. Man U, it seems, are already knee-deep in Cluj...
  6. bob


    So.......has anybody watched the newest episode? Thought it was a bit crappy....until the last minute or so. Thought they should have just had that scene at the beginning somehow. Still, looks good!
  7. Yeah, Reddit is so much better.
  8. Holy crap the new Uni buses have wifi! It doesn't work.... but still, wifi.
  9. Yeah this annoys me as well. Took the Avengers round my friends to watch, but the HD bit of his tv was broken, and since we didn't have the DVD fallback option, we couldn't watch it. Actually that reminds me, if you are playing a bluray on a pc, and you send it down a vga cable, can you watch it on another monitor albeit compressed to a lower resolution, or will it just not work?
  10. They do never confirm that the kids on the sofa are actually his....
  11. Obviously a skewed average, with a very low standard deviation.
  12. So apparently there are going to be Mech-a-robot-thingies in it, called Mantis(es). Look pretty awesome, especially the foot stomp bit.
  13. "Shhhh, don't tell the boys! Only girls will know what we're talking about!" "But can't men get breast cancer as well?" "Er..." "And doesn't it have a much higher mortality rate amongst men because of lack of awareness?" "Erm..." 11 inches, 5 minutes.
  14. You should have worn a fake moustache and put on a silly voice.
  15. I've only experienced one glitch where my co-op partner got stuck behind a box for about 5 minutes. Then he got out.
  16. Hmmm, a good move i think. Often the whole managerial merry-go-round gets annoying, but in this case he's had his chance.
  17. Iron Man is looking a bit portly. Obviously too much shawarma...
  18. bob


    Nemi do you have your username permanently written on your finger, just in case an opportunity comes up? Also, i will try Rekorderlig, although it looks like one of those words that should be a word backwards but isn't.
  19. I'm assuming this was yesterday? Damnit....then all these birthday wishes are WASTED! WASTED i tell you!
  20. Hmmm, well thats a handy list. I wish i'd had that before. Two of my loans are with BRAC south sudan, top of the list! I'll be sure to check the interest rates for my next ones. This video is pretty cool, showing the transactions taken place through Kiva so far.
  21. My CD has just been dispatched by Amazon, and says it may not arrive until Friday. WTF Amazon? What happened? It doesn't matter that much, i'll just be streaming it until then, but i did want to watch the making of video which is included with my CD....
  22. Ok, so i set up a N-Europe team like Moogle said, just so we can all be in it and pretend like we're all better than everyone else. http://www.kiva.org/team/neurope/
  23. Yeah, Bad Piggies is getting better. Stil maintain it's very hard. Most of the levels seem to be quite random when going for the three stars, while others are actually impossible. Collecting a star that's in the opposite direction to the map, all within 5 seconds? How?!
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