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Everything posted by bob

  1. I've been listening to it all day (streamed off the Guardian website), and i like it a lot. Most of the good songs i'd already heard, but i like some of the new stuff as well, like 'Supremacy' (which sounds like a bond theme) and 'Follow Me'. Panic Station is good too. The strangest ones are the ones where Chris sings. They don't sound like Muse at all (obviously i suppose, since Matt's voice is a big part of Muse), but they are still good. Got tickets for their Birmingham gig in October, so i'm looking forward to it in large amounts.
  2. The Galaxy Ace 2 should be getting Jelly Bean (OS 4.1.1) shortly, as far as i know, so that's nice.
  3. Oh. Do i lose points? Can i phone a friend?
  4. My girlfriend brought a bottle of suspicious clear liquid back from South Korea, saying that she thought it was alcohol, but that it couldn't possible be, because it cost her about £2 from a newsagent. We tried it. It got us seriously fucked up.
  5. yeah i feel like you don't have the time really explore when you're playing it in co-op, as you're always in a rush to beat the other person/people to the next area. Started as a siren, same as the first one, and i'm really enjoying the Phaselocking. It seems much more useful that the Phasewalking, which i mainly just used for running away like a little child, rather than actually using it to kill anyone.
  6. Source? I read that they will, just haven't yet.
  7. I think that's the point, you don't really know if you are going to be attracted to someone until you see them. Shunning the majority of the population because of their skin/hair colour before you've even seen them seems a bit stupid.
  8. Yes but it's the phrasing of the question. Having a checkbox to say what you prefer is different to saying would you only consider people of your own skin colour Maybe i overreacted a bit...
  9. Oooooh, i like Hugh Jackman. I might try this film. Edit: Hmm but i'm not a fan of Darran Arovanovanovovsky....
  10. Streaming the whole new Muse album from the Grauniad website right now. It's pretty good!
  11. How is that even a question that they are allowed to ask? Basically, "Are you a racist?" "Why yes, yes of course i'm a racist."
  12. bob


    I'mma trying it out now! You know that bit in Family Guy when the two foreign guys are talking to one another in strange english? That's kind of what 9gag turned into. Edit: Oh, dear, comedy gold already. My 'funny folder' thanks you. It's finally being fed nutricious goodness.
  13. bob


    I think the reason why 9gag appeals more that Reddit currently, is ease of use. I'm not about to search through 300 subreddits looking for my funnies. I just want a neverending amount of funny pictures to scroll through. Reddit just seems like a massive mess of links, which you have to click through to view. I'm open to a conversion though, as i'll agree most of the stuff on 9gag is pretty terrible.
  14. bob


    Surely that would only matter if you read both. If you only read 9gag, it's just 'today'.
  15. What is your price range? I'm assuming by the phones listed that you aren't looking for a contract....but you can get really good Android phones on contract now. For example the Galaxy S2 is really cheap now (around £15 to £18 a month) since the S3 came out, and that should run pretty much any game you can throw at it. Basically, even though the game may say it is compatible with Android 2.3 etc, that doesn't mean the game will run on any phone, just because it has 2.3 installed. Compare it to a PC game that says it is compatible with Windows XP, but if your PC is crappy and slow, the game won't run. The phones you've listed would be fine for making calls/checking emails on etc, but i doubt any of them would be fast/powerful enough to run many games. Also, they will have quite tiny screens, which aren't particularly good for watching videos or games on.
  16. I retract the above statement and have gone home to rethink my life.
  17. That happened to us many times at our student house. We had to reorder so many things that were 'delivered' but that we never received. Turned out the postman was putting them through an abandoned letter box that led to an alleyway beside our house. We found a treasure trove of post there one day!
  18. Just saw Michael McIntyre at the NIA and he was hilarious.
  19. bob


    We will have no zoological inconsistencies in this thread, or any other. Not while I'm around.
  20. Just waiting for my friend to turn on his laptop.... Come on I want to shoot things!!
  21. Maybe you haven't...
  22. How long do you have to complete it? Can you just take the stairs once a day and do it in a year?
  23. bob


    Thank god you're here! Grandma's been raped!
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