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Everything posted by bob

  1. A year is a long time to wait when you're being harassed by a tractor.
  2. Look how fucking pretty i am with my bouquet of flowers.
  3. Oh god, if that's the case (a la Pokefloats) then it'll instantly become the worst level ever.
  4. I don't understand how that even works as a stage. Where do all the people go?
  5. Far Cry 3 - playing on my own. I love it, it's really addictive. I'm almost done on the first island i think, hopefully make it onto the second and get the wingsuit. Resistance 3 - playing at my friends house on coop. It's pretty good. Doesn't feel as awesome as the first though. I remember all the different guns on that were really fun and exciting, whereas these feel a bit dull. Still, it's fun to play co-op.
  6. Watched this on Friday, i thought it was really good.
  7. Went to a wedding on Saturday. Never been to a wedding before, so i was unsure what to expect, but it was great. Did i mention that i was the best man? Absolutely terrified about the speech; i was sure that mine was boring and that no-one would laugh, but it went so much better than i was expecting. I had so many people coming up afterwards and telling me it was the best speech they had heard at a wedding! None of them could believe it was the first one i had ever been to.
  8. The one bad thing about snow levels is that they all tend to have slippery slidey control at some point. Fuck that.
  9. This one can stay around if they like.
  10. Maybe nightwolf and Serebii had a son....
  11. While that is the leafiest leaf i've ever seen that isn't a leaf, i'm not sure it takes it's leaf mimicry to the level of behaving like a leaf would when stepped on. In other words, it would probably fly off if you were about to stand on it. I'm with you on the crunchy leaf thing though. I will go far out of my way to step on a leaf if it looks particularly crunchy.
  12. Now post a photo of you wearing all of it at once.
  13. Roger's not been seen or heard from since he lost at the Suisse Open....worrying times indeed.
  14. To be fair, banning a computer that sits directly in front of your eye while driving makes perfect sense.
  15. bob


    Aaah, i see what you mean. You used the word 'ceremonies', which i took to mean just the religious/traditional bit, vows etc. In the UK, we tend to separate the 'ceremony' with the 'reception', which is the afterparty. The party bit doesn't have to be a big spectacle if you don't want it to be, nor does it have to be expensive. I do think that having your friends and family there is important though...
  16. bob


    Dude, a lot of the people in here agree with you...i certainly do, you're not the odd one out. Actually, the £20 note in my pocket has 'The division of labour in pin manufacturing' written on it.
  17. Actually the BBC are reporting that it is a done deal.
  18. Yeah i have no idea what is going on - i'm going to switch image hosts i think...
  19. I will rise from the ashes of my failures. And you will know my wrath once again. Your retinas will burn from the ferocity of my meteoric rise! Basically, i need a bit more DV next season, and i'll do better.
  20. What the hell does Rita have on her head?
  21. On a completely unrelated note, i really like those SEO spammers that frequent the forums. Everyone else seems to hate them, but i think they are hilarious.
  22. You are not alone in that. Reloaded is one of my favourite films.
  23. bob


    Yeah, we'll have to tell people to take photos, but in a subtle way. Anywho, i've diverted the thread a bit. Back on track: Marriage as a big ol' party - good. Marriage as a massive waste of money full of pointless tradition and religious nonsense - bad. Those are my feelings.
  24. This was the best scene in that film: (Apologies for the random dubbing)
  25. For some reason it looks like ReZ is wearing a tank top in that photo... Also, in that group shot, who is that dapper man standing behind Moogle?
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