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Everything posted by bob

  1. It depends on who it was, but i think i'd probably give them half. I'm assuming that i know them fairly well, and seeing as it's money that i didn't have the minute before, why not give them half of it. I guess therefore that i'd feel a bit pissed off if someone i bought a ticket for didn't share it with me.
  2. bob

    Far Cry 4

    I was going to get this on 360 (see above) but the next gen graphics look so awesome, i'm thinking i might wai and get it on Xbone. Just finished FC3 and really enjoyed it!
  3. Oh man, that Gears of War one! How did I forget that?
  4. I was thinking the other day about the Super Smash Brothers: Melee trailer (the one that was basically the intro to the game that they showed at E3) and it got me thinking about my favourite game trailers. I realise that there is currently some backlash at how game designers portray games (*cough* AC:U) and how they are often accused of lying and whatnot, but sometimes a really good trailer is a really good trailer, so i thought we could post our favourites? Obviously the one i mentioned above: I remember that this trailer was included on a DVD of E3 games that got released with NGC magazine. I think i had the Melee one on repeat for about 6 months. It's just a perfectly crafted hype-gasm. Another sequel, but i think that just adds to the anticipation factor. The first Borderlands game was fantastic, and when i heard there was going to be another one, i got very excited indeed. Then i saw the above trailer, and bits of my face fell off. I've never actually played Dead Island, it's just not my kind of game. However, the initial trailer was a brilliant piece of 3 minute story-telling. Not sure if the game lived up to the hype, but i don't really care. What say you? Any to add?
  5. I just put a note in my calendar. The hardest part was finding that quote - i assumed it would be in a birthday thread, but it was tucked away in the Bad Stuff thread!
  6. The game may be glitchy as hell, but it looks hilarious!
  7. That's pretty much exactly how I felt. EXACTLY. GET OUT OF MY BRAIN FLINK!
  8. Just doing as i'm told! Happy Birthday @MoogleViper! Hope you have an alright day.
  9. Maybe he doesn't have wifi? Maybe he doesn't have home Internet? Maybe he cancelled his broadband subscription to prevent the government watching him? YOU DON'T KNOW HIM.
  10. I thought it was ok... Not as good as I was expecting, but not terrible. Definitely suffered from having too few likable characters in it (I think T.A.R.S was the only one!) Music = good Ending = bad That's all I'll say for now without wrestling with spoiler tags on mobile. What's the deal with this 70mm film then that people are masturbating over? Does it give a bigger image, or a sharper one?
  12. bob

    Just Cause 3

    Some more info: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/11/11/december-cover-revealed-just-cause-3-29401230.aspx Looks like its set in the Med - looks good!
  13. How come you can't get back? Is it you can't get time off?
  14. Has anyone ever seen Roberto Martinez and Roger Federer in the same room together? No? Thought not...
  15. That sounds horrendous. If you do murder someone, I'll be your alibi if you like. I'll say you were round mine that night or something. You just nipped several hundred miles to get some milk.
  16. Which one?
  17. Well Toure went a bit doolally at the end there.
  18. Some leaked screens confirming that this game does, in fact, exist: Who's excited? I am.
  19. I've tried paying attention, but I still don't really know what's going on. Think that's just generally games though, I never really follow the story beyond what I have to do next.
  20. To be honest, you could go to any YouTube video at random and the comments on it would make you question life, the universe and everything.
  21. Mentioned second. Wondering if I've been confused for someone else... I'll check the game out after work.
  22. Oh man that white Xbone. Almost considered throwing caution to the wind when I saw that. No. I will wait.
  23. Weighed myself at work, and it seems that I've lost over a stone by cycling to work each say. That's pretty cool.
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