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Everything posted by bob

  1. Darn, the front wing I wanted went for £15,000. Just pipped my bid of £4.
  2. I know, like WTF, how can light even have a child anyway? Lol.
  3. It's on Auctionhq.net, but it doesn't look very easy to bid on stuff...
  4. I've got my eye on 170 short-sleeved white shirts. I'll be set for life.
  5. Anyone going to try bidding on any Marussia stuff tomorrow? Not really a fan of Formula 1, but some of the stuff in the auction looks interesting. Plus there's no lower limit! Might try bidding for something random - I saw a BBQ!
  6. Man, I can't wait to get this game and tear it up online*. *Note: actual tearing may appear less impressive when the time comes.
  7. Well it might affect you if they put the price of the unlimited card up to cover the costs lost by losing OW...
  8. Yeah, my local Vue has a cheap Tuesday night deal. It's not half price, but it's a bit better. Everyone I've ever known who was on Orange told me they were only there for Orange Wednesdays. If you went to the cinema often, it actually made their ridiculous tariffs reasonable.
  9. Just because I'm clearly rolling in it, doesn't mean I want to spend any.
  10. EE have announced that as of February 2015 they'll be quitting the Orange Wednesdays promotion. I'm quite pissed off, as my fiance and I go pretty much every Wednesday to the cinema, as going any other day of the week is just too expensive. I think both parties are going to regret this, as we certainly have no reason to stay with EE now (as I suspect many other people do) and the cinemas will have a noticeable drop in ticket sales. Wednesday nights was the only night when the cinema was anywhere near full. I can also see our local cinema closing now, as Wednesday seemed to be the only night keeping them afloat. Bah. I'm annoyed. Anyone else pissed? Or was I the only one using this offer?
  11. I was supposed to get it for Christmas, but I think stock issues might mean I have to wait until my birthday mid Januar.
  12. I quite enjoy iraffiruse.com. But that's just me.
  13. You should have left it as Forename Surname, would have been much funnier. I just bought Wind Waker HD off eBay for £34.
  14. I'm never anything but deadly serious on here. Why doesn't anyone ever take me seriously? You people think I'm a joke.
  15. Based on all the raving in the thread, I may have just bought WW on eBay. I don't even like Zelda games and have a massive backlog already. What's wrong with me.
  16. Hooooooleeeeeee shit. You have to see Ramsey's second goal. Aaaaaaaaaaaa. EDIT: Sanogo agrees with me: https://vine.co/v/OrxHlIbx5Q1
  17. Start putting blobs of Nutella on your toilet roll. They'll soon buy their own.
  18. Only 10 years? What a n00b.
  19. Don't be ridiculous. If that were true, they'd have the same name.
  20. Oh man, i really hope this comes to XBone at some point. This is currently the only PS4 exclusive that interests me, but it's not quite enough to warrant getting both consoles...
  21. What happened?
  22. Happy birthday Shortround!
  23. It doesn't look like my copy will arrive in time for Xmas anyway, so I'll have to wait and get it for my birthday in January.
  24. I don't have a Pro controller. How does it play on a wiimote?
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