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Everything posted by bob

  1. Happy birthday you weird, Christmas birthday people.
  2. Check it n00b: The thing i find weird about this place, is that its userbase is basically the same people, who are all getting quite old. In like 20 years it's going to be full of middle aged men and women, arguing about voice chat. We don't really get many new (young) people.
  3. Surface Pro is a smexy machine, but a bit out of your price range i would have thought? I really looked into buying one, but all the bits add up. The keyboard is like £99!
  4. Holy crap you've got a lot of games.
  5. I've recently been watching The Wire, and Suits. Both are excellent. especially suits. It's got the right balance between shit going down, and good lines.
  6. To be honest if all you want is Internet, Word and Spotify, you have loads of options for £500. You probably be able to get something nice for £300 even. Have you considered a Chrome book? Or a tablet? They'd both be around £300?
  7. Let see what i played this year, and i'll try and cobble it into a list. Far Cry 3 Came out in 2012 Assassin's Creed IV Came out in 2013 Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood Came out in 2010 Bioshock Infinite Came out in 2013 Prototype Came out in 2009 Lego Marvel Super Heroes Came out in 2013 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Came out in 2013 Mario Kart 8 So it looks like my list goes: 1) Mario Kart 8 although it really wasn't that good, it gets top spot by default.
  8. I agree about the semis being one leg. Why are they two? (I know, money) All cup games should be just one leg, would make more cupsets.
  9. What about ice tho?
  10. Thwart that wart!
  11. 31! Sheesh, that's old. Older, possibly, than the sun itself. Happy birthday Methuselah.
  12. How though? I don't understand. There's surely a limit to what you can do with 'algorithms'. I mean, if you have a tree, there are only so many things you can change before its not really a tree any more. So assuming you have limits to keep it 'tree', it won't change much. I'm not doubting it, I just don't understand how it works.
  13. I get it. Penis.
  14. Fuck yeah, got a raise.
  15. Surely most of the planets will be the same though? Unless they're continually adding stuff, I can't see how they're going to keep it interesting.
  16. Shiger-who? Never heard of him.
  17. Are we talking like Love Actually, or Jurassic Park? Or 28 days later?
  18. Oh, i looked in Friend List, and couldn't see it. Perhaps it's in Miiverse.
  19. Hang on. Can you not directly message someone via the Wii U? What?
  20. Heyoooooooooooooo!
  21. Wat. That's like the worst thing to do. Either sell it, or leave it in the box to sell it later. Using it is just throwing money down the lane.
  22. Double bump! Just thought I'd bring this up again to see if there's anyone new who likes the look of this. I've just reached $2000 of loans! Of course a lot of that is recycled money that gets paid back, but it's pretty cool! Here's the link in case anyone wants to try: http://www.kiva.org/invitedto/neurope/by/joseph3049
  23. http://www.fallondfloor.com Amazing. My vote goes to up and coming Adryan. Impeccable diving. Surely he'll be snapped up by one of the big boys in the summer with diving like that.
  24. Well yeah, and I didn't come here for like 4 years during my degree, but let's just agree that Moogle is a n00b.
  25. I don't! Me me me!
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