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Everything posted by bob

  1. Oooooh, gotcha. Reading on my phone, that was quite hard to see. I was trying all sorts of combinations of the authors names and shit!
  2. Badgers.....?
  3. I didn't even fill in my tax returns. #UltimateBadass
  4. Well since we're 'fessing up, I didn't get the Jim Butcher one...? (I got the laptop one though, I'm not a moron)
  5. My sister is getting married that day. Also I don't want to go to Thorpe Park with you.
  6. It not that bad. I played a level last night using a +exp weapon, and my Link went up from lvl 33 to 35. Then I tried another level with a +rupees weapon with a rupees party potion on and got almost 100k! I love this game. There nothing more satisfying than finding a huge mass of enemies and just wading in with a huge sword.
  7. Nah, both my December and January payslips were larger than expected. I thought the Dec one might have been a Christmas bonus, but it seems not! I really should ask though in case it is a mistake...
  8. bob

    Just Cause 3

    Yes. Yeeeeeeeeeeees.
  9. Disappointed Reese Witherspoon/Withoutaspoon isn't there.
  10. So it appears that my raise that I got at Christmas is twice as big as I got told. Not sure who fucked up, but I'm not complaining!
  11. Was there a kid in it?
  12. Fair enough, I've not played that one. All the ones I've played have been groovy. I have no objection to them pumping them out though, I think they differ enough to stay fun.
  13. Well the green food colouring is for if you still want to drink the milk yourself. The laxative is not.
  14. Or green food colouring.
  15. Difference being that ALL these games are awesome.
  16. I'm convinced the ref forgot his red card, so was being really careful with the yellows lest he need to use it.
  17. Which one is Egon?
  18. Does 1080 have THIS?
  19. SSX 3 was never going to be as good as Tricky. One of my favourite games ever.
  20. bob

    Best Mobile Game

    I like playing on the 'calculator' game.
  21. Can you not just tell the truth? The amount you play isn't really that much? Or is it different for international ones?
  22. I might get it when I eventually get an Xbone, but not right now.
  23. Or maybe someone anti spiked your drink (I.e replaced it with water), and you placeboed your way through the night?
  24. Interesting...
  25. You guys are insane. But probably keeping Nintendo in business by yourselves.
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