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Everything posted by bob

  1. My dad took another great photo over in Wales. [ATTACH]3816[/ATTACH]
  2. [ATTACH]3813[/ATTACH][ATTACH]3814[/ATTACH] No clouds here!
  3. Nother song off the new album, albeit crappy quality: Sounds good!
  4. I think this just goes to show that Flink has terrible taste in films.
  5. Thought this was cool:
  6. Dude, you know they have the Metro in Paris? You don't have to fly everywhere.
  7. Apollo 440 amiright?
  8. Put Zimmer in front of an organ and you get orgasms. Organisms. No. Wait...
  9. I love Lost In Space. I saw it at the cinema when it came out. Dat Matt Le Blanc in his first lead role feeling.
  10. At least you're guaranteed an exciting game with Arsenal in the Champions League...
  11. Managed to play about 30 mins of Wind Waker last week. I've got to the third dungeon (the tower of whasisname). Its pretty good.
  12. I went to Ireland the weekend before last. It was quite nice. Wandered around Dublin for a day and took a tour around Wicklow. Can't imagine how horrendous it would be today though. Full of American tourists wearing ginger beards...
  13. I get Sideshow Bob, but which one was Plain Biscuit?
  14. I cloned my hard drive a couple of times when I upgraded my laptop, and it is pretty easy i thought. In definitely used free software to do it, but can't remember exactly what it was called... maybe EaseUs or EaseToDo or something?
  15. What's the life expectancy of a pug generally?
  16. It's called Dutch. Surely you can't have forgotten it already?
  17. Sorry Walker67 but someone already had that idea.
  18. Those books have some classic lines, like when they get a gun mixed up with a wildebeest: "No, no, no, what you do is, you get a gnu, then you point it at the driver* and someone says, 'Look out, he's got a gnu!' and you say, 'Take us where* we want to go or I'll fire this gnu at you!'"
  19. It's very sad. That tweet especially really did it for me. Who knows how many books he might have written. I think I might start reading some of my favourite DW books again.
  20. Velodrome?
  21. I liked parts of their last album, but not all. New one should be good though!
  22. What if the whole fracas was..... staged? It's almost like their ratings were down this season and are pulling a massive publicity stunt to win people back. Almost.
  23. What are some other kinds of chat?
  24. Don't be silly, if history has taught us anything, it is that Arsenal will be thoroughly humiliated, thus derailing the rest of their season. It is practically a universal constant.
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