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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm fully on board! I'll just need to buy something that can play it at some point...
  2. I don't think Man U will do that badly this season...
  3. I would buy it. And I would enjoy it.
  4. I don't understand how you find these people Animal.
  5. I know one bear who is smarter than your average who will be. And he loves his honey!
  6. Happy birthday in French!
  7. Why does that small girl have the body of an overweight man?
  8. I noticed a few things yeah, but can't be arsed typing out spoiler boxes on my phone, so I won't say. Look out for his pouty face though!
  9. bob

    Mario Kart 8

    50% extra tracks!? That's pretty cool! I wonder how much they'll cost though...
  10. Saw this again last night. The main guy bothers me a bit. They could have done more to make him imposing I think. It doesn't help that the black gunk he has all over his chin makes it look like he has a pouty face.
  11. Why is this not in the funny stuff thread?
  12. Robin Williams was hilarious. If there's anyone who hasn't seen his stand up routine on the origins of golf, they should seek it out now. It's always a pity when someone like this dies, but even more so when is because of depression.
  13. Er... Happy Birthday?!
  14. I was quite shocked to find out he wasn't a ferret.
  15. Er...Happy Birthday?!
  16. Er...Happy Birthday?!
  17. ....Happy Birthday?!
  18. What is this shit, i wait for an hour for the live video to start, and then it just says "starting soon". What is the point of a countdown if it doesn't start when the countdown reaches zero.
  19. Watched Amazing Spiderman 2 this evening. Man that was disappointing. Just such a boring film. The script was so cobbled together and wank. The only plus was Hans Zimmers score (i loved Electros theme).
  20. It's actually going to be about the time one of Kenways ancestors opened a shoe-shop in NYC. Assassin's Creed: Brogues
  21. What's he got written in front of him?
  22. That was awesome! Just made me think how badly I need another Hulk film with Ruffalo in it though...i thought they might have one as part of Phase 2, but alas...
  23. Well you could start as a Templar, and then go rogue, ending up as an assassins by the end.
  24. bob

    FIFA 15

    My ears are burning? Oh. Never mind.
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