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Everything posted by bob

  1. Well this year I've technically given up before I even started.
  2. I think I'll give Fantasy Football a miss this year. I always inevitably give up just after Christmas, and it just got a bit boring after so long.
  3. I really hope none of that is true. It's bad enough trying to keep track of the remote, let alone 4 pieces of extra controller that'll get scattered across the living room.
  4. Fuck me, that was so well done! Makes me really want a Hulk vs Superman film now. Marvel all the way.
  5. Cool. Thanks, I might suggest it then.
  6. I hope they patch every copy so rather than normal textures, you just get pictures of Sean's face on everything. And all the planets are Sean's head. And Sean comes to your house and makes you a creme brulee.
  7. How scary is it? I've heard great things but my wife won't watch anything too jumpy/gorey/creepy.
  8. Er, the Kingpin would like a word.
  9. This is such a shame. He seemed like a really nice guy.
  10. Oooh, that reminds me, I do have a £10 Play Store gift card that I haven't been able to find a use for...
  11. Yeah, they're clearly just a group of journalists.
  12. They also got rid of Team Rocket years ago. It's Magma now, or Aqua, or Plasma or something.
  13. Yes, but then you'd only be allowed to own either a Weezing or an Arbok, and a Meowth.
  14. Is that Charlize Theron? And where the hell is Jonathan Rhys Davies?
  15. Has anyone contemplated spending any actual money on the game? I haven't needed to, but I wonder if I'll be tempted when I've run out of Pokeballs and a rare 'Mon appears. It's easy to justify 79p once or twice.
  16. My favourite robot back in the day was Cassius. Man that was a beautiful robot, and would have done so well had it not accidentally driven into a pit. One of the first proper SRM as well I believe. Hypnodisc was insane. Loved how destructive it was, but that's all it had really; it wasn't very maneuverable and only had plan A. I haven't managed to watch this yet, but imma try and watch it on Monday I think.
  17. Indeed! Doesn't it taste sweeter? Figuratively of course. Don't eat Pikachu. I am currently sheltering from a thunderstorm on my way home, and found a Bellsprout!
  18. I'm sorry if I have angered you, but I was genuinely just being silly.
  19. In my mind it's akin to those who radio in the locations of the Big Five whilst on safari. Yes, you managed to see a leopard, but all the fun and mystery of searching is gone. So to be serious, no I don't think I would use that map. And to be clear, I have no problem with you using it either. I'm tugging your leg.
  20. Whatever you need to do to feel justified in cheating at the Pokemons, man. I just walk about. Like in pokemon! I'm already at 30 types caught. Do you want to see my Rattata?
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