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N-E Supporter
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Everything posted by bob

  1. But also the planets are so vast you could have loads of people mining on each one and they wouldn't deplete all the stuff.
  2. I don't know why you didn't just buy a third PS4.
  3. Kenny Baker has died after a long illness at the age of 81. RIP.
  4. They should have had a mini game where if you guess which pokemon it is, it gets revealed.
  5. The perils of PC. Is there a day 1 update for Steam as well?
  6. I probably paid way too much for this, and lost my aforementioned priceless anti matter fuel, but when I saw it, I had to have it. I call it The Pussy Mobile. It does have 20 slots which is pretty sweet.
  7. Bought myself a bitchin' new ride, but unfortunately my antimatter was in the old one...doh! Not sure where to get some more from now?
  8. Why yes, i will sell my gold thanks.
  9. Ha! I've somehow landed on a planet made entirely of gold! Well not entirely, but there's craploads of gold just laying around. I've farmed about 250,000 units already.
  10. When you delete your game, I wonder if you're discovered stuff gets deleted too?
  11. Sounds like it's inciting violence against Presidents.
  12. EDIT: I'll fix this when not on my phone.
  13. It all counts. Anyone got a briefcase we can put it all in?
  14. Ahhhh! An hour and a half until I can leave work and play dis shit!
  15. What would Brian Altano do if he were here right now? He'd make a plan, and he'd follow through; that's what Brian Altano would do.
  16. Apparently my game arrived this morning, but I've got chores to do tonight and so won't get to play until tomorrow night. Still, excited as fuck.
  17. I'm sure that was their mission for the last few films as well...
  18. I watched it last night and agree with most of the reviews. It's OK, but they try and cram too many characters in without enough back story. They shouldn't have cast a model as a main character either, she were rubbish. I liked most of the other characters though.
  19. Meowth now evolves into Camp Meowth.
  20. There's this place called N-Europe...
  21. Someone called Candace Bacon was never likely to be a vegetarian for very long, was she?
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