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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm using an all year round Christmas theme, and i think it gives me navy notifications with white text?
  2. I reckon it'll sell at least 10.
  4. What an incredible achievement! Well done! I think I donated at the beginning, but if I remember I'll donate some more when I get home (half now and half when the job is done, see?).
  5. Urgh. They probably won't be able to get Mel, Sue or even Paul and Mary to go with it, meaning it'll be completely different. It's basically Top Gear all over again.
  6. bob


    And before that?
  7. bob


    I'm not scared of dying, I just don't want to.
  8. Plus, it would improve the 'attachment rate'. If people get a game every month, that would increase the number of games than the average person owned.
  9. At what level does UB02 evolve into UB40?
  10. Why didn't you just go back in time and warn her, since you are so fantastic at time travelling?
  11. I'm kind of the same, although slightly different. I played Guitar Hero to death when i had it - but only on medium difficulty. I pretty much 100%'d every song on medium, and rocked hard when doing so. I was awesome. However, bump it up to difficult, and i couldn't do it. For some reason i lacked any kind of independent movement of my little finger, so when they introduced a fifth colour, i couldn't handle it, and failed most of the difficult songs. I've never experienced such a ramp up in difficulty from one level to the next in a game before. Anywho, still played the game to death, even though i sucked at it.
  12. Yeah i got the 7. It's just in the other room right now though, why do you ask? Actually hang on, brb, can smell smoke.
  13. Here they are. Very bizarre. I landed on top of one, but didn't wander around too much, as falling off would be a massive trek to find one of those ship calling devices.
  14. I could set it to private, but then I'd still have an album full of crap that I wouldn't need. I could go down the fake account route though, I suppose.
  15. Yeah but I don't want a load of random screenshots spamming my Facebook account. I wish you could email them to yourself, or maybe use an image hosting service?
  16. Yeah, it's annoying that the only share options on PS4 are twitter or Facebook.
  17. No, but i'll try the next time I'm on. What's the easiest way to upload screenshots? I've been using the twitter upload, but it's a bit annoying as I don't use Twitter much.
  18. Found a really bizarre planet yesterday. Not sure if it was a glitch, but it had all these weird rock formations on it - they had a pyramid, and then a square of rock hovering over the pyramid peak with a square hole in the centre, like a cube halo. They were everywhere too, not just one or two... Still playing this a fair bit. Found a really harsh planet with freezing temperatures, and even colder storms. Even with a cold shield I could only last a minute outside. Racked up a few Sols before I got bored of huddling underground though. Then I found a planet with no fauna at all, which was weird. Proper desert like.
  19. It kind of annoys me that your trophies don't sync unless you check them. If i open the PS app on my phone and check out my trophies, it won't show the most recent ones unless i first open the Trophies tab on the PS4 and let it sync. Is this a bug with mine, or is that the same with everyone?
  20. No backsies!
  21. Don't be ridiculous. Are you sure you didn't buy a car?
  22. Why did you briefly turn into ReZourceman tho?
  23. Sometimes I'll play a FPS and it'll feel right with forward being look down, and other times my mind will click with it being look up. I've switched so many times between the two I'm not sure which one we're villifying today.
  24. I honestly don't know which is inverted or not. Which is the correct way?
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