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Everything posted by bob

  1. No, but i'll try the next time I'm on. What's the easiest way to upload screenshots? I've been using the twitter upload, but it's a bit annoying as I don't use Twitter much.
  2. Found a really bizarre planet yesterday. Not sure if it was a glitch, but it had all these weird rock formations on it - they had a pyramid, and then a square of rock hovering over the pyramid peak with a square hole in the centre, like a cube halo. They were everywhere too, not just one or two... Still playing this a fair bit. Found a really harsh planet with freezing temperatures, and even colder storms. Even with a cold shield I could only last a minute outside. Racked up a few Sols before I got bored of huddling underground though. Then I found a planet with no fauna at all, which was weird. Proper desert like.
  3. It kind of annoys me that your trophies don't sync unless you check them. If i open the PS app on my phone and check out my trophies, it won't show the most recent ones unless i first open the Trophies tab on the PS4 and let it sync. Is this a bug with mine, or is that the same with everyone?
  4. bob


    How was his spelling?
  5. Don't be ridiculous. Are you sure you didn't buy a car?
  6. Sometimes I'll play a FPS and it'll feel right with forward being look down, and other times my mind will click with it being look up. I've switched so many times between the two I'm not sure which one we're villifying today.
  7. I honestly don't know which is inverted or not. Which is the correct way?
  8. Oh god, they're at it again in another thread. Someone get the hose out.
  9. £65 in Primark!? Did you need a truck to take that home in? Do you now own half of all Primark stock? Presumably you now have a majority shareholding in Primark? Primark sells cheap clothes, is what I'm getting at.
  10. Will anything ever be as good as Nintendogs?
  11. Could this not be the Slim that they haven't officially announced yet?
  12. Looks like a a database error, which they then ran with.
  13. Yeah, you are essentially leasing the games for that price, rather than buying. Anywho, i'm off to rent Journey! EDIT: I like the way it says "Enter 10 digit discount" at the checkout. Sounds like a euphemism for theft.
  14. That's a really odd offer...I would steer clear of him.
  15. Lawrence Llewelyn Pig has been in, and he's upgraded their cage to feature this lovely fleecing. The pigs love it.
  16. But will it be a sausage sandwich with OS level voice chat?
  17. Is there anything specifically bad about the job itself, other than that you didn't choose it?
  18. Sorry, I was thinking normal SD card...
  19. Can she put anything on the SD card? Like photos and stuff? Maybe it needs reformatting? If not, maybe the lock switch is accidentally on?
  20. That Modern Family DVD makes it look like baby Joe has gorgeous long legs...
  21. I recently discovered that you can actually dig down! I thought that you could, but when I tried mining with my laser, it didn't work. I thought that maybe it was a feature they had removed. When I got the plasma grenade, I just assumed it worked the same as the laser, and would only work on named materials. (I never fired it at anything else) It was really annoying, because I have been avoiding caves as I kept getting lost and trapped in them. Now I can dig my way out!
  22. I can't believe you've been walking all this time. It's incredible!
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