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Everything posted by bob

  1. Rummy's suggestion (which he no doubt stole off Moogle) sounds much more attractive than anything else. I hate the idea of buying up loads of property just to rent out. Career landlords annoy me somewhat. I'd probably tell close friends and family, but leave it at that. Maybe I'd come on here and rub it all in your faces too. (Phrasing)
  2. How on earth do you have a mortgage when on £8,250 a year? Isn't that less than minimum wage?
  3. Don't get me wrong, i think the game is great - i'm really enjoying it, and i think it is a great technical achievement. But i feel sorry for the developers, as they had all these plans to put in the game that they had to cut at the last second due to time restrictions. If they had been allowed to complete the game as they imagined, maybe they wouldn't have had all this hate. You say they had to get the game out there, but i think it would have been better to wait, and potentially lose all the hype, while releasing the complete game that they wanted, rather than releasing at the Height of Hype ™ and getting all this backlash. But anyway, onto another awesome moment i had playing this game the other night: I was on this lush planet, exploring, but i could not find any animals! I had only found two or three species (small rodents and blobs), and was struggling to find any others. I was getting a bit frustrated, and i crested this hill just as the sun was setting. This chill music kicked in, and i heard this deep lowing sound, kind of like a bass cow. I turned around, and this enormous 5m tall horned giraffe thing lumbered out of the trees and stepped over me. I turned back and saw the whole valley filled with these roaming giraffe things, all lowing and calling to each other. It was like the scene in Jurassic Park when they see the Brachiasaurus for the first time. It was, as they say, dope.
  4. I wish they had been allowed to complete the game at their own pace, and add all the features they intended, without having to rush it out to meet the deadline. Still, if they can add all the features in patches, i suppose that's the next best thing - but they'll have lost loads of potential customers. I wish i could be playing it right now, but the tv is in use...
  5. Presumably the people who didn't watch the trailers are the ones who aren't disappointed?
  6. ......go on...?
  7. That's really cool. How fast was it, unassisted?
  8. Ah Antigua! I once spent 15 hours in Antigua Airport. Would not recommend. The rest looks nice though.
  9. That's exactly what I thought of when I heard of it. The promo shots look similar too.
  10. It sounds a lot better than the title suggests. I might suggest it to my wife when we're caught up on Suits.
  11. What did you just call him? Did you say, well done....blob?!
  12. What is that last one? The mother-funking batmobile?
  13. FINALLY managed to buy some antimatter and make my way out of the first solar system. Took blimmin ages too. Ended up just spamming every ship that flew into the space station over an hour and a half. Almost gave up! Anyway, i've jumped to the next star, and it's way cooler than my starting one. I've already seen a cool ice planet with weird crab like beasts, and my first lush habitable planet - probably going to spend a while on this one.
  14. Wos it abaat den?
  15. Revival: Turbo Machines. I know this isn't a Nintendo franchise, but I'd love to play a revival of this, with 8 player local, 32 player online races, with amazing graphics and a 1st person option for online. Would be a hilarious multiplayer. Crossover: No Man's Sky and Super Mario Galaxy. I have no idea how this would work but I saw some aliens the other day on a new planet in NMS that really looked like they needed a stomp on the head. Imagine procedurally generated Mario levels! Amazing! Wow! Exclusive: This category does seem ripe for pinching a popular game and locking it down to the NX. Otherwise, what's the point! So i'll say either the next Halo, or whatever Bungies next game turns out to be. Or maybe Civ6? I don't know.
  16. Looks amazing, where is that?
  17. Dat group C of death!
  18. Yoga is hard as balls.
  19. I can't believe you only made up one place!
  20. Doesn't sound legal, but I have no idea....
  21. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Now they can both, Catch them all, too.
  22. Do you have travel insurance? Are you covered for theft?
  23. Physical copies can quickly decrease in price, because physical space costs money to those selling it (warehouse space). They need to shift those units. Digital copies will sit there forever, taking up no extra space (well, a small amount on a server somewhere), so they have no need to drop the price.
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