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Everything posted by bob

  1. Revival: Turbo Machines. I know this isn't a Nintendo franchise, but I'd love to play a revival of this, with 8 player local, 32 player online races, with amazing graphics and a 1st person option for online. Would be a hilarious multiplayer. Crossover: No Man's Sky and Super Mario Galaxy. I have no idea how this would work but I saw some aliens the other day on a new planet in NMS that really looked like they needed a stomp on the head. Imagine procedurally generated Mario levels! Amazing! Wow! Exclusive: This category does seem ripe for pinching a popular game and locking it down to the NX. Otherwise, what's the point! So i'll say either the next Halo, or whatever Bungies next game turns out to be. Or maybe Civ6? I don't know.
  2. Looks amazing, where is that?
  3. I can't believe you only made up one place!
  4. Doesn't sound legal, but I have no idea....
  5. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Now they can both, Catch them all, too.
  6. Do you have travel insurance? Are you covered for theft?
  7. Physical copies can quickly decrease in price, because physical space costs money to those selling it (warehouse space). They need to shift those units. Digital copies will sit there forever, taking up no extra space (well, a small amount on a server somewhere), so they have no need to drop the price.
  8. Craig Charles is too busy with his jazz music and shit poetry.
  9. So I managed to make my way to this new planet, which was some sort of desert planet, covered in sand and these weird, leafy plants. There were these really strange animals wandering around that had rodent-y faces, but bodies like a dinosaur, with spines down their backs and long tails. It was pretty cool. EDIT: I took a picture:
  10. Has anyone called Silva won a silver medal yet? It's quite a common Brazilian name...
  11. Well I never intended to buy a Wii U, but got one anyway, pretty much just to play Mario Kart. I don't think that'll happen again though. There'll have to be three or four games I want in order to entice me.
  12. I've read that you can get the recipe for it, once you've left the first system. But I can't do that until I get some antimatter! Currently camping in the space station, trying to buy it from anyone who enters, but no luck so far.
  13. Argh, I still can't find any antimatter! No one will sell me any!
  14. I loved the base game, but I'm a bit annoyed at the cost of the dlc. Not sure if I'll buy it at any point. Maybe when Rogue One comes out and my hype levels start to rise.
  15. It's funny how her name is Trott and she doesn't trot. Should be called Laura Roll, right guys?
  16. Maybe it's in.....your heart?
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