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Everything posted by bob

  1. I've never played a FF game, but I feel that I need to listen to this song. Intriguing on many levels.
  2. There's more to that song? There seems little point since the Zord is already out of the water and ready after the first couple of lines. I do like the idea of the Zord standing there waiting to fight while Tommy is just sat jamming on his flute and the city is being destroyed around him.
  3. Isn't it a friendly though? EDIT: Apparently it isn't. How did Italy and Spain end up in the same qualifying group?!
  4. I'm a doctor! Yeah, I think you'll need to lose that leg.
  5. I don't mind if the game takes different forms across the formats, as long as you don't have to buy them all separately...
  6. bob


    That is so often the case.
  7. bob


    Yeah I've heard so much good stuff about Rick and Morty, so I was a bit disappointed with the first episode. I just didn't find it particularly funny. I'll probably give it another try though, since one episode isn't enough to judge something on.
  8. Not really a case of 'why do I keep playing it', because I don't, but I suck at football games. Played a fair amount during uni because that's what others enjoyed, but I couldn't get my head around it at all. I couldn't stop focusing on one player. The idea of jumping between controlling different players confused me and I'd always end up trying to score with a defender, or end up running the winger into the sidelines because I was watching the wrong person. Not sure why I suck so much at this particular type of game, but I do.
  9. bob


    I watched the first episode of this last week, but didn't find it very good. I may try again soon but I've started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender instead, which is much better.
  10. If only there was a way you could both get what you wanted.
  11. bob


    How violent is Luke Cage? Is it roughly the same level as Daredevil or Jessica Jones?
  12. OMG his tie matches his font!
  13. You're not supposed to eat them, y'know.
  14. MadDog sadly passed away earlier this year.
  15. It is also a drone and can fly.
  16. I don't know, aren't Team Rocket generally a bad thing?
  17. Great intro! Can't even be mad that you spelled my name wrong.
  18. Congratulations!
  19. I'm only in for one season, so I'd prefer one big league.
  20. Well that's just not true. I think the Matrix is cool and trendy, but I don't think the PS4 Neo sounded good.
  21. bob


    I'll ask if the wife fancies watching it, but I'm certainly interested. Daredevil and JJ were both fantastic, so that's enough to instill interest from me.
  22. Yeah, at least make up a name for it if you've gone that far.
  23. bob


    Well he might be more interesting in his own show...?
  24. It was horrifying i tell thee.
  25. Landed on an extreme blizzard planet, and this cheeky fucker started to attack me. https://gfycat.com/DisgustingSelfassuredAfricanpiedkingfisher
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