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Everything posted by bob

  1. The Power Cube! Fantastic goal. I reckon Switzerland will snick it though if it goes to penalties.
  2. I was only partially joking. That's what I was referring to.
  3. I suppose the EU works because the rich nations support the poorer ones. You'll notice that all the other nations now clamouring to leave are all the richest ones. If they all vote to leave, it will collapse. It's kind of like if the super rich decided they didn't like paying taxes anymore, and so decided to just stop paying them. Then all the other rich people were like, hey that's a great idea! So they all stop too. And then all the poor people are fucked.
  4. Don't worry, Gove is on his way.
  5. I suppose it depends on the track? Most are down to personal preference. Maybe try both on a track on time trial and which gets you the faster times?
  6. bob


    Sounds like something a shit person would say...
  7. Yeah but we sure stuck it to those goons in Brussels!
  8. Happy birthday! Keep being awesome.
  9. Official results won't be until around 9am tomorrow, once they're done counting the votes.
  10. I carved my vote into a steel plate; stop the spooks from getting to my democracy.
  11. Protected until the final season, I reckon. I don't think GRR Martin would have any problem with killing off Dany or Jon right near the end, just to be a dick!
  12. I would agree it was a bit clichéd, yes. Just not DEM. I don't mind the expected thing happening occasionally though. After all, you can't have a twist every time, that would be unrealistic! To be honest, a main character making it to the end of an episode alive is a twist. Regular viewers were probably expecting everyone to die horribly.
  13. bob


    Maybe *you're just shit?
  14. Yeah but it usually means a plot point that comes out of nowhere, that hasn't been mentioned before. Both armies arriving when they did were perfectly reasonable, and explained many episodes previously.
  15. That's not what Deus Ex Machina means. And the army didn't turn up out of the blue, they've mentioned it for like three previous episodes.
  16. I think when Goron said that, he meant 'in the context of staying or leaving the EU', since Animal was saying 'The country is fucked, so let's leave'.
  17. Just popping in to say this is my favourite game name ever. It's genius.
  18. Couldn't they have used a longer car?
  19. None of that is going to be solved by leaving the EU though.
  20. My favourite colour is green.
  21. I exercised my right to vote this morning. Hashtag Remain.
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