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Everything posted by bob

  1. We're thinking about moving to Canada.
  2. Now, now Rumy, don't get mad.
  3. I've been forced to update. Not really encountered any pokemon since, but the app seems a lot faster and smoother since the update. If they fix the 'bug' I'll be happy!
  4. What exactly is Supermans hammer made of that it doesn't melt? Sorry. I know comic physics is different to normal physics.
  5. Went a bit crazy yesterday. Ended up buying these guys. They are called (Chunky) Monkey and (Ginger) Ninja. EDIT:
  6. I'm pretty sure getting plastered is step one in getting into a fight...?
  7. Mate, you've been posting about how selfish your wife is for years. I can't believe you're still with her! She does sound horrible though, and you deserve someone better.
  8. Same thing happened to me with a random Jynx.
  9. Pff. Amateur. Got the platinum yesterday.
  10. That's what they said about the passenger pigeon.
  11. You completed Pokemon Go yet?
  12. Star Trekkin! Across the universe!
  13. I can't help but be a little insulted.
  14. Mine doesn't seem to have updated, possibly because I installed an apk while on holiday to get it. Wondered why I still had the footprints!
  15. Do any of us really know @ReZourceman?
  16. Well this year I've technically given up before I even started.
  17. I think I'll give Fantasy Football a miss this year. I always inevitably give up just after Christmas, and it just got a bit boring after so long.
  18. I really hope none of that is true. It's bad enough trying to keep track of the remote, let alone 4 pieces of extra controller that'll get scattered across the living room.
  19. Fuck me, that was so well done! Makes me really want a Hulk vs Superman film now. Marvel all the way.
  20. Cool. Thanks, I might suggest it then.
  21. I hope they patch every copy so rather than normal textures, you just get pictures of Sean's face on everything. And all the planets are Sean's head. And Sean comes to your house and makes you a creme brulee.
  22. How scary is it? I've heard great things but my wife won't watch anything too jumpy/gorey/creepy.
  23. Drowzees everywhere!
  24. Er, the Kingpin would like a word.
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