Don't get me wrong, i think the game is great - i'm really enjoying it, and i think it is a great technical achievement.
But i feel sorry for the developers, as they had all these plans to put in the game that they had to cut at the last second due to time restrictions. If they had been allowed to complete the game as they imagined, maybe they wouldn't have had all this hate.
You say they had to get the game out there, but i think it would have been better to wait, and potentially lose all the hype, while releasing the complete game that they wanted, rather than releasing at the Height of Hype ™ and getting all this backlash.
But anyway, onto another awesome moment i had playing this game the other night:
I was on this lush planet, exploring, but i could not find any animals! I had only found two or three species (small rodents and blobs), and was struggling to find any others. I was getting a bit frustrated, and i crested this hill just as the sun was setting. This chill music kicked in, and i heard this deep lowing sound, kind of like a bass cow. I turned around, and this enormous 5m tall horned giraffe thing lumbered out of the trees and stepped over me. I turned back and saw the whole valley filled with these roaming giraffe things, all lowing and calling to each other. It was like the scene in Jurassic Park when they see the Brachiasaurus for the first time. It was, as they say, dope.