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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. The games industry just seems to be getting worse and worse with this stuff now if you don't own every console. I understand companies buying smaller developers, especially when they already work closely with them but this is on a whole other level.
  2. Had the call this morning that my school's inspection is this week. Not surprisingly everyone has gone into a panic and my boss looks like she's about to have a breakdown. Should be an interesting week. Despite what she tried to tell me earlier when she said she had a list of stuff she needs from me for the inspectors, I actually have nothing to do with inspections so I should just be able to sit back and watch.
  3. My problem is that loads of the games on Switch I would rather play elsewhere on a more powerful console/pc. My list was pretty much the only games that interested me.
  4. After watching Eternals last night I thought I would finally read one of their books. It's a massive hole in my Marvel comic knowledge. Looked into it and while Neil Gaiman's book is highly thought of, this new 2021 relaunch by Keiron Gillen is apparently a great jumping on point.
  5. Yeah I have them on Android. Ace Attorney has always been one of my big weaknesses so I tend to buy them on most platforms so it’d be nice to get them all in one place.
  6. Has there been any word or rumblings about other Ace Attorney games being ported to the Switch? It’d be nice to get Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies etc.
  7. I didn’t necessarily mean the quality of the special effects but just the kind of things we are seeing from the comics actually being shown on screen. Iron Man being relatively grounded in reality compared to the things in this movie. I’ll be interested to hear what you think.
  8. Just finished Eternals. I thought it was alright. Nothing special but a nice change of pace to the usual Marvel movies. Amazes me while watching that and some of the visuals on screen how far we’ve come from Iron Man 1 to this.
  9. At mine and @Goafer's school we had the "Hold B + Down" for a better chance to catch a Pokemon in Blue & Red. I didn't realise until years later that this was fairly common but every group seemed to have their own button combination.
  10. Part of my tech kit I put together a while ago. I wanted a cleaner way to carry various cables and this seemed to be the best way. Also helps that its a stand and wireless charger for my phone. My Z Fold 3 is great but I've yet to find a case that I like that allows me to stand it up unfolded so I can watch media so if this is carried around with me all the time then it'll be perfect.
  11. I think I played Diamond originally if I remember right. I didn't complete it back then though.
  12. I've been playing Pokemon Brilliant Diamond this past week and kind of feel like I made the wrong decision between getting that and Sword/Shield. It's fine and I expect I'll finish it but its a bit more basic than I was expecting (given that its a remake of an earlier game that shouldn't really have surprised me) and I'm getting a bit bored. I also thought I remembered a lot more variety to the Pokemon you find in these earlier games. I'm 4 gym badges in now (I think) and I'm using basically the same team of Pokemon I found near the beginning as that's all that seems to appear.
  13. Wanted a portable keyboard that I could use at work as well and I love the feel of my larger Logitech Craft keyboard so decided to go with the MX Keys Mini.
  14. I think I joined during Cube-Europe but didn't start posting regularly until Revo-Europe.
  15. I enjoyed the first 3 months of 2021 as I was furloughed and unlike my 2020 furlough, I was perfectly happy staying at home. The rest of the year I was pretty much miserable, verging on depression due to my job. I’m still there but looking for a new job daily so fingers crossed. I’m doing a bite better mentally with it now though at least. I don’t let myself check any work emails at home anymore and while I’m at work I just try to remember that they don’t give a shit about me so why should I give a shit about them.
  16. We've had new gates put in at our school with a fingerprint scanner (they look like prison gates, it's terrible) but the company have been having issues with them. Engineers were here today and unlike yesterday where they turned everything off so it just worked as a swinging gate, this time they left it turned on and buggered off without telling anyone. I'm then getting frantic phonecalls from people trying to get out, I can't access the software because it's not working anymore and they're not answering their phones. We are lucky that I programmed in a practice code yesterday during their 2 minutes of training and never deleted it. Oh and the gate is still broken as it won't close after being opened unless you lock yourself out and when it does open it only does it 3/4 of the way. Awesome start to term!
  17. I think I met him once at one of the NE meets. Wasn't something I would want to repeat to be honest.
  18. Went a bit nuts the other day and ordered some new stuff as I want to travel more but also needed to be able to use it all for daily carry as well (the bag is expandable so should be good for both). The water bottle is one of those self cleaning ones to satisfy my techy needs and get me to drink more water. And then a Switch game as I was in the mood to try playing it again.
  19. Alexa always had the option to be called either Alexa, Echo or Computer as it's wake up name, or if not always then very early on as it was in my first gen Echo.
  20. Urgh, another reason why I hate working at a school. Not only do I have to go back today but I had to get up much earlier because it’s inset day 😴
  21. My problem is that I don’t. I just overthink everything and never turn off, it’s why my sleep was so terrible last year. I saw someone talking today about how they planned to play more games this year to help distract them from thinking about work though and I think I might do the same. Last year was a terrible gaming year for me so I’m gonna try and play more games each day after work to reset my brain.
  22. After watching a few reviews on all the games I ended up going with Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. I usually end up getting bored during Pokemon games and moaning but here's hoping it's been long enough now. Used the Currys discount code as well so I at least got it a bit cheaper. Sword and Shield I actually quite liked the look of from the review and almost bought. It was your comments @MindFreak then made me leave it for now. I may still get it in the future though once I'm done with Diamond. Link's Awakening I've left for now. Another one I may get later but there was no real urge to play it. Skyward Sword I just don't think I would appreciate as much as the rest of you. Watching the review it sounded like the button only controls were pretty terrible and to be honest, I don't like Zelda games enough to push past bad controls. I also nearly bought The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles game as I've always loved those games but I've still got Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice to complete. Once I'm really invested I can fly through those games but until that happens it can take years to complete them!
  23. I’m gonna go back to my hope from 2 years ago and that’s travel more, even if it’s just around the UK for now. Hoping to try some wild camping down in Dartmoor at some point. I also want to try and work harder at getting more creative hobbies off the ground. I tend to start them and then just drift away. Latest idea seems to be some kind of tech blog as I like writing and I buy a lot of tech crap As for work, it’s simply getting as far away from my current job as possible. If I can get something in a more creative area then that would be great but at this point I’m pretty much open to anything. Sick of being unhappy with my job and teetering on the verge of depression because of it.
  24. I never played Skyward Sword due to my hatred of motion controls. I think I had Diamond but I remember nothing about it and never had Link’s Awakening. What kind of Pokemon game is Legends Arceus?
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