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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Diet Terminator or Terminator Zero?
  2. That is pretty awesome and it is nice to actually hear a story from time to time where a parent gets told about the rating system and acts on that instead of just ignoring you.
  3. I loved that Mega Drive Power Rangers movie game when I had it. One of the many games I regret selling years ago now. I still need to try and get the SNES one as I heard it was a lot better.
  4. I was watching that and getting ready to post how its a shame that its not looking much better than a PS3 game but that swinging boat did look very nice.
  5. As I mentioned in the other thread, thats the only game I was planning on getting with my PS4 at launch pushed back which sucks. Probably have to switch over to Killzone I guess.
  6. Well there goes my main PS4 launch game then.
  7. PC demo is anyone is interested. I just finished playing it and its pretty good. http://videogames.lego.com/en-us/lego-marvel-super-heroes/demo-download
  8. Happy Birthday guys!
  9. It would just have come from either ShopTo searching for their name on Twitter (which im sure they do) or just reading some of the guys tweets after he asked about the price difference. Either way though the message was not directed at ShopTo and the guy was just venting. Ive had fine service through the website itself but whoever is running the twitter account does seem to be a different story I guess. EDIT: They've just said on Twitter that they'll be making a statement soon
  10. But it wasnt on there page. The guy sent them a message asking if the price would change and got a DM answer. He then was having a conversation with a friend about the price and said something a bit stupid but to be honest, not something any one of us probably hasnt said in a forum post etc. ShopTo were not involved in the coversation. As someone in the NeoGaf thread said, its the equivalent of standing outside a store and complaining about a price to a friend then having someone from the store come out and cancel your preorder.
  11. Not great here from ShopTo http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=696508
  12. Another game that I missed and wanted to get before the generation ended
  13. Im assuming this will be hard to answer as its so opinion based but I'll ask anyway. Ive bought most of the Pokemon games (I think Black/White 2 was the only I didnt) but have only really enjoyed Blue and Sapphire, I just seem to buy the others in the hopes that I will recapture the enjoyment I had with those two. Do you guys think there is enough about this one to make it worth getting for me? Also I dont just need a load of yes its awesome answers because you are loving it, I get that part lol
  14. I ended up managing to get the first game really cheap so it looks like I'm starting from the beginning. Now I just have to decide if I start it when it arrive or save it for Extra Life.
  15. £1.31 off ebay
  16. Six part story "The Trial of Jean Grey" has just been announced at NYCC. Quite interested for this. Really enjoying X-Men again since Bendis took over and the Jean Grey stuff is even more complicated at the moment with past Jean and future Jean around, neither of which actually did the Phoenix stuff and then "dead" Jean who is in the White Hot Room who is the only one you would think would be put on trial (unless Battle of the Atom ends pretty badly I guess)
  17. We are part of a very exclusive crew called Super Happy Go-Force...which is basically just our Extra Life team. I didnt see any invites comes through but we were playing in my crew only world.
  18. The only reason I think it could potentially work for Nintendo is if they bowed out now they would still be in a good state financially so development of games should not be affected compared to the others who were more forced into the switch.
  19. Its good to have Arrow back. Not much to say on the premiere other than it was another solid episode. Its funny, considering how much I dont like DC's comics at the moment and love Marvel's, I'm pretty much the opposite with their TV stuff. Love Arrow but finding SHIELD a bit meh so far.
  20. I guess thats my other question then, is the story good enough that you want the whole thing?
  21. So should I go back and get the first game or just go straight for 3?
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