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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. The problem with Goafer is that most of the time his taste in anything is terrible. So I cannot be blamed for his dis-interest in Phoenix Wright.
  2. Yep thats the page we are using. The top stream is mine and will be the main team, the other one will be flameboy and nintenchris. We wanted them both on the same page this year to make it easier for people who want to watch both. Last years total was: $671.15
  3. I have been telling him to play the Ace Attorney games for years, he wont budge!
  4. Great, first I have to reload a checkpoint because the guy im supposed to interrogate is clipping inside a wall then apparently I lose Internet connection and the game just chucks me back to the main menu, even though im playing single player so that shouldnt matter!
  5. Yeah thats Hulk not Incredible Hulk. Hulk from the Avengers was the failed attempt at recreating the super soldier serum. EDIT: Although there was no bomb in Hulk either, his genetics were just messed with then he took a big dose of gamma radiation in that.
  6. I dont tend to get claustrophobic but just looking at that is making me feel uncomfortable
  7. What? Hulk is a failed version of a super soldier and Hawkeye is just talented with a bow
  8. PS4 system software update 1.50 detailed http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2013/10/25/ps4-system-software-update-1-50-detailed/
  9. Im enjoying the story and gameplay of this but technically its a bit of a mess. Lots of glitches, audio and graphical problems, mostly in cutscenes but its still bad. Seems people's reservations about WB Montreal taking over for this one after the poor job they did with the Wii U Arkham City port and its terrible framerate were right.
  10. £19.99 and just under 5000 blocks
  11. Lol yeah I know I guess, thats also why Ive drifted so far away from Nintendo as a whole but as ive mentioned before I tend to try with Pokemon each time to try and recapture that enjoyment. Its probably not the game I even enjoyed that much, just a particularly happy Christmas that Pokemon blue has been linked to and I am doomed to be letdown with Pokemon games since that lol.
  12. I only played a bit of the first case last night as I was pretty tired but already loving it. I really hope we get more of these with the upgraded graphics, the panning camera shots etc really add a lot.
  13. Its a shame but I seem to be getting bored with the game again. I was hoping with the changes they've made this time it would be different but it just feels like I'm playing any of the other Pokemon games just with new graphics and a bit better online. I'll maybe try and play some at Extra Life, we'll see.
  14. Days of Future Past teaser http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/news/a526241/x-men-days-of-future-past-first-teaser-released-watch.html
  15. Yeah I'm just looking at it now. Is it on GAME's site for any cheaper?
  16. Scott Lang was a burglar before he became Ant Man so he would make the most sense.
  17. There seems to be a problem guys, I didnt win the free copy
  18. Quite a few DC nods in that
  19. Thats either a really nicely put together, nostalgic look at the Playstation history or the story of a guy that doesnt seem to be going anywhere with his life
  20. Nice to see it actually going up. Not sure how many I'll get until either the day of the event or afterwards, thats usually how it goes anyway.
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