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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Elizabeth Olsen Joins The Avengers: Age of Ultron http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/10/03/elizabeth-olsen-joins-the-avengers-age-of-ultron
  2. I wanted to be on more last night but my Internet is being really crappy since my ISP "upgraded" it for us. I might just wait until it gets sorted before I try again, I hate playing online games and getting disconnected all the time.
  3. If you go into the online through the pause menu instead of holding down on the dpad then you get a lot more options for online games like invite only etc.
  4. Its slowly getting better. I finally made it past the opening cinematic earlier but then got stuck waiting for people to join the first race. Better than yesterday when all I could do was create a character.
  5. I think I found 1 or 2 gold chests last night and got 2 heart pieces. Jealous that you already have your hooks though. We'll have to start the search for sky islands soon!
  6. I'll be back on again tonight, this time probably for longer as there wont be a Giant Bomb livestream that I want to go watch.
  7. It was my fault, apparently I hadnt opened the ports for Terraria, connecting now.
  8. I never managed to get Terraria multiplayer working without that Evolve program so cant really help you unfortunately. Ive got my new character set up and ready though with his nightmare pickaxe. Im missing all my other stuff already though lol
  9. Im not having much luck, its just hanging on the "Connecting to" screen, not even been asked for the password.
  10. Traitor!!!
  11. Just finished playing the demo. I thought it was good, some very nice animations and a good use of the camera swinging around etc. Im looking forward to getting the full game. My one gripe would be that it feels a bit odd having Phoenix seem more like his old self compared to how he was in Apollo Justice.
  12. As much as I love the Phoenix Wright games it does always make me laugh how they bring out some new item for the characters that will give them an "edge" in the courtroom but it always seems to be something that they should be able to notice on their own if they were actually good at their jobs lol
  13. Jesus christ listening to explanations of high Pikmin scores is boring
  14. I would watch this Wonder Woman movie
  15. With the GTA server issues I probably wont be able to play it tonight anyway so I expect I'll jump on at some point.
  16. The online update is now up for both consoles
  17. I've heard a lot of surprisingly good things about it so I would like to try it but I just cant bring myself to pay subscriptions anymore for MMOs.
  18. Just gave it a quick try and it seems pretty cool already. Not sure what I think of the map in the corner though.
  19. New clip from season 2
  20. The bundles are up on ShopTo. Nothing worthwhile for me to swap to so Im still just keeping my normal PS4 order. EDIT Oh the other bundles that people were waiting for are going to be offered to people who preordered later in the week.
  21. Yeah exactly, I'll be playing GTA
  22. Terrible timing though with GTA Online coming out on the same day.
  23. Yeah I have, good game.
  24. To be fair its my fault, I kept meaning to host again but just got caught up with other games.
  25. Gunpoint Just finished playing this and thought it was pretty great. Its basically a puzzle/action game where you are a private detective and have to figure out the best way to make it through buildings to get to your objective. A lot of that is done by using your cross link device to have electrical systems do what you want them to so you turn the lights off in a room, the guard comes to turn them back on but you have set the lightswitch to now open some door you needed to get to that could only be opened with a hand scanner previously.
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