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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Lococycle Quick Look http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-lococycle/2300-8243/
  2. Eurogamer gave Forza 7/10 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-11-20-forza-motorsport-5-review
  3. Did the Wii U TVii stuff ever launch over here?
  4. I would probably buy another P3 remake if it was that. I played P3P first and while I still really enjoyed it, I felt like it lost a lot of the charm those worlds have by getting rid of the animations. I went and bought the original on the US PSN but then struggled with the original battle systems, not being able to control all your party members and them getting tired all the time. That would also fit in with the release of the P3 movie over in Japan but I think they know P4 is their real hit so it'll either be linked to that or move forward.
  5. Well if it turned out to be a proper sequel to Persona 4 or a completely new Persona 5 I would be happy either way. I think the amount of build up its getting must mean its one of those two.
  6. I put it under Persona 5 because there was some bit of information on another forum about a Persona 5 domain being linked to the countdown site but I cant find it at the moment. I am wondering now though after just reading this: Persona 4 voice actress lists “Persona 4, Vol. 2″ on resume http://gematsu.com/2013/11/persona-4-voice-actress-lists-persona-4-vol-2-on-resume
  7. I had mixed feelings on the gamepad. I enjoyed the off screen stuff but wasnt a big fan of the splitting focus between screen and tablet. I know some people love that and I figured I would too at first but after playing games for a while I didnt like having to take my attention away from the TV to do some things. Its gonna be the same with the second screen tablet stuff for other consoles, I cant see myself using it.
  8. @Clownferret you also keep mentioning that the Vita off screen stuff is a copy of the Wii U which it isnt. Sony have been working on this stuff with the PSP, long before the Wii U came out. You fixate way too much on this notion that people keep stealing stuff from Nintendo and even the cases where it is true....what does it matter?
  9. Tearaway seems to be getting good reviews anyway. Edge gave it a 9.
  10. I found that most of my friends for the first half of the generation played the 360 then after that most switched over to the PS3
  11. Looks like there will be a Persona 5 announcement on Sunday Shu Yoshida has tweeted out the link as well so that pretty much confirms it will at least appear on a Sony platform thankfully.
  12. PS4 System Software Update 1.51 Coming Soon http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/11/19/ps4-system-software-update-1-51-coming-soon/ Looks like we should have a few less issues for our launch then hopefully
  13. Killzone Lego Marvel Super Heroes Then its looking like Assassin's Creed IV or NBA 2K14 as a Christmas present.
  14. Shame I registered all my games. I wanted to try Super Mario 3D Land but never wanted to pay full price for it but I dont think I will be buying any new 3DS games during the time frame so wont be able to take advantage of this.
  15. Giant Bomb Quick Look
  16. Looks like streaming to Twitch from the Xbox One has been delayed until 2014.
  17. I'll probably get it early next year when all the PS4 and Christmas expenses are out of the way.
  18. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for PS4 spotted on Amazon Italy http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-11-18-tomb-raider-definitive-edition-for-ps4-spotted-on-amazon-italy If this ends up being real I would be tempted to buy it. I really enjoyed Tomb Raider and was planning on playing through it again.
  19. Only found out during the GB livestream but I think its pretty cool that you can now plug headphones directly into the controller to get game audio if you want to listen that way instead of having to run a cable however far.
  20. Release date. I just think that 2 weeks, while understandable if they want to get things started because there are a lot of orders is a long enough time that not everyone will have the money ready and ShopTo messed up by not getting the warning email out. Im not sure I believe them as well that they claim they did send it out and it just didnt make it to everyone. Last weekend when they did the same thing I saw Facebook posts and Tweets warning people before hand.
  21. ShopTo have a release date posted, people would budget around that date not just assume that it would be processed 2 weeks early. This is ShopTos problem.
  22. Here we go http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-11-18-shopto-apologises-to-ps4-pre-order-customers-after-taking-money-without-warning
  23. I've hears from other people who haven't paid yet that either got the email late or not at all
  24. Yeah but what if I hadn't?
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