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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. This does seem cruel but also impressive at the same time so I figured this was still the best thread for it
  2. Amazing Spider-Man: Venom, Sinister Six spinoff films unveiled by Sony http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/news/a537998/amazing-spider-man-venom-sinister-six-spinoff-films-unveiled-by-sony.html
  3. Im looking forward to finally being able to try out Soul Sacrifice and even though I already have Don't Starve on the PC I expect I'll play a lot on the PS4 as well, its a great game.
  4. I prefered New Vegas. I think I just found there to be a bit more purpose to the story and the Vegas setting more interesting. Still loved both of them but it took me a couple of tries to really get into them.
  5. Too late Cube http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53943
  6. Did you play New Vegas?
  7. Figured this could use its own thread as its being spread over three consoles now. Current Instant Games Collection Last Updated: 13th December 2013 Resogun (PS4) Contrast (PS4) GRiD 2 (PS3) Remember Me (PS3) Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (PS3) Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS3) Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Single Player (PS3) LittleBigPlaner Karting (PS3) XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PS3) Guacamelle! (PS3/Vita) sonic & All Stars Racing (Vita) Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita) Gravity Rush (Vita) GTA Liberty City Stories (Vita/PSP) Important Note If you are a subscriber to PlayStation Plus but don't own all three consoles, you can to to the Official Store and add the games from other platforms to your account. Here are the January games: 24th December: DmC Devil May Cry (PS3) 24th December: Borderlands 2 (PS3) 24th December: Soul Sacrifice (Vita) 24th December: Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend (Vita) 8th January: Don’t Starve (PS4)
  8. Speaking of Fallout Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics are free for the next day on GOG.com http://www.gog.com/promo/fallout_series_giveaway_winter_promo_2013
  9. If I still had my Wii U I'd probably be keeping my eye on Bayonetta 2, X and Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem. Im still too burnt out on the regular franchise stuff.
  10. Just bought the latest WWE game. Wanted something new to play but too many of the big games at the moment are potential Christmas presents so I went with the old reliable wrestling game that'll keep me busy for quite a while.
  11. I still need to get Xillia but im waiting for the price to come down a bit more.
  12. My settings have the console going into standby mode after 20 minutes. Killzone was paused for maybe 2 minutes before it crashed and the second time the console was already in standby mode when it crashed.
  13. Yeah ive googled and checked a couple of other forums, no sign that its happening because of the update which I guess is good news for everyone else. It has been spoken about before though by a few people.
  14. Having problems with my PS4 since todays firmware update. Its crashed once while paused in Killzone, sending me to the safemode menu where then whatever choice you make it just restarts the console and sends you back to that menu. The only way to get out of it is pull the power cord out and then it will start the console and rebuild the database. Second time it happened I had just put the console into standby mode while it was downloading and got the same thing.
  15. I assume thats what Sony was trying to get with the whole Playstation Mobile thing but that never seemed to take off either.
  16. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Sony have been trying this for a while with the PSP and PS3, linking them together for off screen play and I dont think it really took off then.
  17. PS4/Vita can connect for off tv play like the Wii U in two ways. First the PS4 turns into a wifi hub so you connect directly and it has a limited range. Second it connects to the wifi via your router so as long as you have a strong enough connection at both ends you could play them anywhere. In the adverts Sony made they showed it as a girl playing her PS4, leaving for college then carrying on with her game at college on her lunch break on the Vita. As for cross play games, some will allow you to just buy it once then buy it for both systems. Games like Spelunky allow this but then will let you connect the PS3 to the Vita and play local multiplayer with both gamers having their own screen. I think Need for Speed on PS4 also allows this with the off screen play as well.
  18. To be fair to them, I have to wonder if they realised how people felt about that kind of stuff until it was too late. The PSP seems to have sold well during its lifetime (a lot better than I originally assumed) and maybe they thought people wanted more of the same. Im not sure if they will make another handheld after the Vita and if they did, I have no idea what I would want it to be. While I like the 3DS it still feels underpowered to me so I dont think I would want it like that but on the other hand I dont just want the console experience on my handheld. I guess more effort put into proper handheld experiences like Tearaway is the way to go on a kind of pure gaming level but you need something to really bring people in along with that.
  19. Zavvi threatens customers with legal action after accidentally sending free Vitas http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-12-10-zavvi-threatens-customers-with-legal-action-after-accidentally-sending-free-vitas
  20. Yeah I think I'll have to get Attack of the Friday Monsters, I had always meant to. Just a shame the maintenance is tonight otherwise I would get it now.
  21. Did anyone see much advertising for GT6 this time around? I dont watch nearly as much TV as I used to but I dont remember seeing anything on it coming up to release and had forgotten the game was even coming out until I saw Giant Bomb's Quick Look come up in their feed.
  22. One of my favourite things about the Vita is the cross buy feature. Being able to get a game on the PSN and be able to play it either on the home console or Vita for no extra cost is great. Its a shame more isnt done with that, even just advertising-wise.
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