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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I see Wally West is finally being reintroduced in The Flash Annual #3 this year. Might have to actually pick it up to see what they do with him, probably be my only DC book this year.
  2. Yeah mostly just a lot of funky hand movements
  3. Maybe around 40, possibly a bit older though I guess. Still though, they arent held by the ages they appear in the comics, just look at the new Hank Pym. Plus Samuel L Jackson is 65 now, I cant see it being too much of an issue.
  4. Dr Strange has always been an older character so I dont think the age thing would be that much of an issue. It does seem an odd role for Depp though. Despite the name, Dr Strange has always been one of the more serious characters in Marvel comics. Im sure Johnny Depp could actually do a good job but it just isnt in line with his usual work i guess.
  5. Michael Douglas cast as Hank Pym in Edgar Wright's Ant-Man http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/news/a543708/michael-douglas-cast-as-hank-pym-in-edgar-wrights-ant-man.html
  6. Ive had that in my DVD collection for years, never did get past watching a couple of episodes. Might have to give it another try if you say its worth it.
  7. Enjoyed A Link Between Worlds enough that I decided to give Ocarina of Time another try.
  8. My Super Famicom Tetris games arrived. Mostly only bought these for the copy of Tetris Battle Gaiden which I hear is a lot of fun but it will also be useful to have some Japanese games to test once the Retron 5 finally comes out.
  9. Part one of Broken Age will be released on Steam this week and backers will be receiving emails with their codes.
  10. I love how you now have to link to images of Fabio, showing how long you've been using that joke and little relevance it has now lol
  11. Took me ages to beat that boss!
  12. I have played it before, I had it on the N64 but didn't like it all that much which is why I never bothered getting the 3DS version. I just have a much better attitude towards all RPGs now and having enjoyed this latest Zelda it seems like a good time to revisit it. I would have liked to go back to Twilight Princess and finally try Skyward Sword but my dislike for motion controls will always put me off them. Unless of course someone has a copy of TP on the Cube that they want to sell me cheap :P
  13. After enjoying this latest Zelda I've been thinking about going back and trying some of the others again that I previously gave up on. I'm a lot more interested in the 2D ones but OoT seems like it would be one of the easier ones with it having the 3DS version.
  14. How well was the game received? I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the Wii at the time but I just don't remember a lot of the coverage or fanfare that you would expect for a new Zelda game.
  15. I think its still less of a mainstream title as well so just wont have been played as much. It was my first ever Fire Emblem game and that was because I had played and enjoyed XCOM the year before, something I heard from other people trying it for the first time as well.
  16. What is the run button anyway? Is it just the same layout as 3D Land? Because that drove me crazy not being able to change the controls so run was B, I have to change to that anytime I can otherwise it just doesnt feel right.
  17. This was probably the first 3DS game where I didnt just turn off the 3D after the first 10 minutes of playing, I thought it was used well. I completed it last night anyway. First Zelda game ive ever completed actually.
  18. Good for you I however like to see a bit deeper into the industry, I find it interesting. There isnt a focus on Nintendo, I talk about all the companies in various places, this just happens to be a Nintendo forum and the Wii U thread.
  19. I have had enough runs ins in this thread with people telling me I shouldnt be posting in here because my current view on Nintendo that I am probably over sensitive on the subject so I apologise for that then. I have just had to explain too many times now that I just enjoy talking about the games industry, good or bad.
  20. I said I wanted Nintendo to be forced to try something different, along with its existing franchises, I never said I wanted to take away the stuff people already enjoy. Aneres I'll just say, you and I obviously arent going to see eye to eye on anything and thats fine, im not trying to convince you of anything here but I still manage to have enjoyable coversations with people on here about this stuff so im not going to stop and it would be great if people would stop suggesting that I should leave/stop posting or that it doesnt make sense that I still want to be around this stuff.
  21. While im sure this will just further certain peoples opinions of me just being "anti-Nintendo" I actually would want to see it fail (at least this time around). I think sales figures are going to be the biggest thing to push Nintendo to realise they need other IPs along with the existing franchises. As ive said before, I was completely burnt out on Nintendo's main IPs and living for years off nostalgia, convincing myself that I wanted a Wii U. More of those IPs wouldnt be the thing to bring me back now but new stuff that I couldnt get on my PS3/4 or PC would.
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