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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. You need to download the patch to activate it along with a few other features but PS+ isnt required for that.
  2. The more im playing of this the more Im wishing we would get a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.
  3. Ah right. Just checking as I know the online store had a bit of a reputation for claiming reduced stock like that was new when it was actually preowned.
  4. Online or instore?
  5. Finally got my PS4 copy today. Starting the game now.
  6. Ah cool, I didnt know that.
  7. Its certainly one of the most comfortable controllers I have ever used. I wouldnt credit Nintendo's D-pd patent expiring for the DS4's one though, its still the same design as the DS3 with the 4 segments. Its the Xbox One's controller that benefited from that.
  8. Quickly tested the direct link remote play this morning with my Vita. Havent seen just how far it stays connected yet but it certainly goes further than my Wii U did as expected.
  9. Im loving the system so far but it is driving me crazy that there is no pause option for downloads. They'd better patch that in soon.
  10. The voice coming out of the controller in Resogun scared the shit out of me lol
  11. Is sending reviews to Nintendo something that you guys always do?
  12. PS Store isnt showing me as a PS+ member at the moment so I'll have to try and download Resogun later.
  13. At the moment the most likely combination for me is PC/PS4. Those two pretty much satisfy my gaming needs.
  14. Atlus' freedom to revive any classic Sega game is exactly what both parties need http://www.gamesradar.com/atlus-freedom-revive-any-classic-sega-game/?utm_source=tw&utm_medium=emp&utm_campaign=atlusfreedomtomakeanyclassicsegagame
  15. 12 Deals of Christmas returns to PlayStation Store! http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2013/11/29/12-deals-of-christmas-returns-to-playstation-store/
  16. Some good deals this weekend:
  17. Got my estimated delivery time. Its gonna be a long wait until 3pm.
  18. Im sure it probably helps but I know Jeff from Giant Bomb doesnt like anime at all and really liked Persona 4.
  19. My obsession with it started with the Giant Bomb Endurance Run, then playing Persona 4 on the PS2 and then importing Golden for Vita. Absolutely love the game.
  21. Thankfully I haven't got one of those. I'm not in tomorrow so wouldn't be able to accept the delivery.
  22. Only other thing I could find is that it could be something to do with overscan but I dont know enough about it to say.
  23. Are you recording in the same resolution as the Wii U is spitting out? I havent used an Elgato before (although I also nearly bought it during the sale) but black borders were a problem I used to have on the PC recording/streaming when I wasnt matching resolutions.
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