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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Fancied finally watching the extended editions of Lord of the Rings.
  2. So how did you find all the side stories in the end? If memory serves you skipped the majority on your first playthrough didn't you?
  3. I'm just in the middle of watching old Giant Bomb streams and one had them playing Ninja Gaiden. It made me wonder, do you guys think now would be a good time for a return for this series? It seems like it could do well as its own style of difficult game given the popularity of the Souls stuff. I wouldn't want them reworking it to mimic souls games but it could be a nice alternative to those with a much faster pace.
  4. Spent the last week including this weekend inputting the timetable and learning how it works. I'm knackered now and the stress of getting it done has really taken its toll. Still only managed to get week one of our two week timetable onto the system but at least the kids will have something to come back to now and the second week should go a lot quicker. After that of course I still need to get back to my own work which also needed doing by the start of term and had to fall to the side while I did this timetable. I know we're now supposed to be in a much more remote working friendly world but god I wish it was easier to search for. Applied for a few but so many just seem to tick remote even if they aren't offering it.
  5. This is proving to be a costly movie watch. I'm getting tempted to subscribe to an Amazon Prime sports channel to start watching NHL 😆
  6. Anyone started watching this yet then? I've never been a massive LOTR fan but I enjoyed the movieswell enough so I expect to get around to watching this series. Just interested to hear what people think so far.
  7. The third one really suffered from Emilio Estevez basically having a cameo role
  8. Yeah I think I'd agree with that but it's been quite a while since I watched the first two. Seen the third one the most for some reason, guess it was just on TV more. Definitely not as good as the first two.
  9. Starting off 90s instead and watching The Mighty Ducks.
  10. I think I might have to pick out some 80s movies myself to watch this weekend. I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned good guy beats the odds pick me up movie and I don't think you get better than the 80s for that.
  11. I was never a big AC guy but I definitely preferred their earlier titles and I think it needed the modern day Desmond stuff to keep me interested. I haven't completed any of the games since Black Flag as I always fall off now.
  12. Yeah I'm still really enjoying it. Only complaint is that the episodes feel a bit too short.
  13. New double Kickstarter from the Wild Arms/Shadow Hearts creators. Quite like the look of these so I think I'll back it. Plus I always appreciate a dumb announcement video. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/doublekickstarter/armed-fantasia-and-penny-blood
  14. Amazing how much a trailer like that cheers me up after a crappy day.
  15. Thinking about getting that myself. Just waiting a week or so for people to properly test it on Steam Deck. I've seen a bit of footage but I'd rather wait for a bit more.
  16. Yeah I remember thinking they looked weird and possibly a bit uncomfortable when I first saw them but using them they feel fine, perfectly usable.
  17. Watched a video earlier of someone playing the Steam Deck with some AR glasses and now I'm kind of tempted to get some instead of going the dock route. The Nreal Air glasses look like they'd do the job nicely.
  18. Just watching the Liverpool match now. You can see how much that goal meant to Harvey Elliot. Poor lad was shaking afterwards.
  19. Looks good, I'll be getting it when it comes out. Probably get it on PC or PS5.
  20. I think release order is my preference but I can definitely see an argument for 2 being better. I've grown to appreciate 3 a lot more over the years but I'd still say that's the weakest.
  21. Interesting choice to watch the movie on mute....that's the only way what you just said makes sense 😭
  22. Yes the final scene was impressive but I think when I watched Back to the Future for the first time it was already a trilogy so I knew more was coming. How about the music, did you enjoy that? Back to the Future has some of my favourite music and the score at the end when they are trying to get the lightning plan to work gets me hyped every single time I watch it.
  23. My must watch list from the 80s and 90s: I'm going to have missed a load of amazing movies from those lists. Had to use best of lists to compile them so I'm betting some of my smaller favourites slipped through the cracks.
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