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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Went on another EDC/Tech Bag kick and updated some of my stuff this weekend:
  2. Yeah I did and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see what they do with DS9, especially with them already forwarding Trek lore with the Titan and Riker.
  3. Usually that would be me as well. I'd want to see everything as soon as I could. I think I've just gotten better at allowing myself to miss things over the years which in turn means I'm enjoying everything else more as It's not mixed in. To be honest the only things I've skipped so far have been the second half of What If and the rest of Ms Marvel after that first episode.
  4. To be honest at this point I'm just happy to watch and see where it goes. I'm enjoying the majority of what they've put out so far this phase and anything I'm not I just skip and read up on any important bits I may need to know later. I know this isn't necessarily what some people will want to do as has been mentioning with people missing info because they don't watch the tv shows but if this is how Marvel is going to do it from now on then there isn't really much people can do. It's very much like what the Wachowski's wanted to do with the Matrix and the interconnected stories throughout various media, only a lot more successful at pulling it off.
  5. I think we'll all probably enjoy Phase 4 a lot more when we look back on it in a few years time. It's similar to Phase 1 in that it's a lot of setting things up for the big stories on their way but without the fresh feel that only that first phase would ever be able to achieve. One show I'm surprised didn't get announced was Young Avengers. So many of those characters were introduced in Phase 4 that I felt that show had to be on it's way but nothing so far.
  6. Here we go then, Marvel announced the Phase 5 block of movies/shows I'd say I'm mostly interested in Secret Invasion (although I think it needed more build up than the few hints we've had so far, Agatha, Daredevil and Thunderbolts.
  7. Slightly hard to tell on Worf but it looked like 4 pips on his collar. I'm gonna assume no admiral bars underneath so it's still possible we'll see him as Captain of the Enterprise 🥹
  8. Edit: oh and that looked great! (Apart from Raffi)
  9. Yeah definitely. Despite all of that though and basically thinking of him as evil I am finding it a bit sad. Mostly thinking about the 80s and 90s stuff I grew up on but those parts of WWF I'll continue to be grateful for.
  10. Oh wow, never thought I'd see the day but Vince McMahon is retiring (totally nothing to do with his latest scandal I'm sure )
  11. I feel like I always see Americans going on about using Slack but rarely anyone over here.
  12. Will do. My Sony WF-1000xm4's are great and to be honest I don't expect the Pixel Buds Pro to top them audio-wise but as I said they just had this weird issue where if you swapped them between devices too much you would start getting phantom presses on the controls so music was pausing and playing constantly. As soon as I stopped using them across multiple devices it stopped. I expect I'll probably keep the Sony's for use at home with just my tablet then use the Pixels as my out and about bud for phone and laptop use.
  13. Got a preorder in for the new Pixel Buds Pro. I love my Sony's but I bounce between devices a lot and they tend to struggle, something in the controls breaks so I have to keep them only paired with my phone. The multipoint connection with the Pixel Pros should fix that. Plus I'd always heard good things about the Pixel Buds, they were just missing features like ANC which are a requirement for me these days so now they've got it I'm interested to try them out.
  14. Maybe I'll get one next year then. I should have just enough space by the window still to feed the pipe through.
  15. Every year I plan to buy a small Aircon for my room and I've still yet to do it. The noise especially has always put me off.
  16. Still no water here and the water company has set up a water bottle point in a village miles away (and completely spelt the name wrong so if you don't look up the post code you have no idea where it's talking about). I think I'll just swap my annual leave day and go back into work today.
  17. Yeah I think £4.99 a month is low enough to get me to subscribe finally. It'd be nice to get back into anime properly. It's been a while.
  18. Well our water has now gone off, looks like yet another burst pipe outside the village. Really not the day for it! 🤬
  19. I want to start messing around with stuff today but I can't bring myself to turn on my PC or even my cooler laptop to do it in this heat. Maybe in a few days 🥵😆
  20. Do we have any coders on the forum? It's something I've always been interested in learning and have had a few false starts in over the years but if anyone here knows how to code I'd love to pick your brains. I've always heard that Python was probably the easiest to start learning but C# was probably more helpful.
  21. Anyone having to do anything different over the next few days for the heat? I've got the days off anyway but was tempted to just go in as my office has AC but I decided to stay at home to make sure my cats don't just stay out in the heat.
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