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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Get the PC version. The game is much better with mouse and keyboard.
  2. I already own the Phoenix Wright trilogy but as its one of my favourite series I think I'll have to get the 3DS versions as well.
  3. Been playing a lot of Destiny over the weekend. I was in the original Alpha that took place and enjoyed it but then never ended up getting the game. I'm actually suprised just how much I'm enjoying it at the moment. Got to level 13 so far. Done the first chapter of Valiant Hearts as well. Such a charming game. I got it free through PS+ but I'm tempted to buy it again on PC just to support this kind of game. Also, with my new found love of Destiny its got me craving for more loot games so I'm finally downloading Phantasy Star Online 2 (which should be finished by the time I get home from work) and then installing the English patch so I can play it.
  4. Playing Destiny has really put me in the mood for PSO2 again so I think im finally going to download it and install the english patches. No point waiting for a Western release anymore!
  5. Im not necessarily against the costume but I just dont think the actress looks right at all
  6. Up to level 5 so far and enjoying it. Its reminding me just how good Bungie shooters feel. Story isnt exactly grabbing me but then I didnt really expect it to given everything I'd heard.
  7. Shot of Supergirl from the new series. I think she looks pretty terrible, more like a cheerleader.
  8. http://gematsu.com/2015/03/ps4-firmware-2-50-adds-suspend-resume
  9. Jesus christ, what is up with the download speeds for the in-game updater? I know the PSN can be a bit slow at times but this is ridiculous. Its taken me about 20 minutes to download 2 megs!
  10. Just make sure there are actual games you want for it. I still regret buying my Xbox One and I wouldnt buy one at that price either if I hadnt got it earlier.
  11. Im kind of tempted to go to one of these http://www.myvue.com/latest-movies/info/film/avengers-ultimate-marathon
  12. Yeah to be honest I've lost all interest in this now.
  13. Anyone know roughly how big all the updates and DLC are for Destiny? Just wondering how long im gonna be waiting to get it all before I can actually start playing lol
  14. Its a shame it isnt coming to the PS4 as well but theres no way I could go back to playing this with anything other than a flight stick so I'm more than happy to stick with my PC version.
  15. Yeah I heard they've got the 8-4 guys on this week, hopefully that'll be a good lead in to me listening to their podcast as well. I'll listen to it on Friday as thats my day off.
  16. Just ordered my Link Between Worlds soundtrack for 3000 points
  17. £27.99 new for GAME's deal of the day: http://www.game.co.uk/en/destiny-limited-edition-303241?pageSize=20&categoryIdentifier=233205&catGroupId=
  18. Any recommendations then on what class to start with when my game comes? I havent played it since the Alpha so have pretty much forgotten everything.
  19. Bought myself a copy of the limited edition. I look forward to shooting many things in the face.
  20. Been thinking about finally getting this for a while and £27.99 for the Limited Edition so I get the dlc packs as well seemed worth it.
  21. 4th March: Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty 4th March: Valiant Hearts 4th March: Papo and Yo 4th March: Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments 4th March: OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS4/PS Vita) 4th March: CounterSpy (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)
  22. Ive only made it through the first case so far of Danganronpa but its good. Really nice style to everything as well. Still pissed off though that it doesnt work on the UK PSTV despite working on the Japanese and US versions.
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