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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Yeah but Lincoln was always known to exaggerate. I wouldnt trust any facts from that guy!
  2. That'll be the bump from God Eater 2 wont it?
  3. Yeah I still get the bar. Also thanks for the image, loading that up while I'm working in a school might not have been the best idea lol
  4. Bryan will apparently be either against Sheamus or Ziggler.
  5. I still get that bar so maybe its an update to your browser?
  6. Yeah me too. I kind of drift in and out of anime so it'd be nice to have something new to pull me back in.
  7. What does it even matter if some games are grey? Thats exactly the colour I would expect a game like The Order for example to be. Its such a stupid complaint these days. I would rather have a nice mix of different styled games.
  8. I'm looking forward to watching that tonight. They've really been knocking it out of the park this last season. One of the best final seasons for a show I think I've ever seen.
  9. Gerrard's tribute match next month sounds like it should be interesting. Reina, Mascherano, Alonso, Suarez and Torres all coming back.
  10. I ended up buying Gargantia On The Verdurous Planet
  11. Thats the first Lego set in years thats actually had me tempted to buy it.
  12. Im not sure really, thats my problem at the moment. Im just browsing through Amazon's list at the moment to see if anything jumps out at me. Im in the mood more for a series than movie though.
  13. Really in the mood to buy some anime on blu ray but cant really decide what. I've been sitting here for like an hour being tempted to order all of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood but having only just watched it last year I think I'd probably get bored early and just stop. Still annoyed that they didnt release all of the original Fullmetal Alchemist on Blu Ray over here. I probably would have bought that.
  14. Ive seen quite a few for it.
  15. I ended up selling my copy after a few months when I dropped off playing. None of the games have really given me the same experience since my original town on the Gamecube. I'm kind of tempted to get another 3DS copy though now.
  16. Just completed the game, I'd say it took me around 7 hours. Im a bit torn about the game to be honest. I did enjoy a lot of it but it kind of felt like there was a good game hidden inside somewhere but there were too many issues to ignore. My main problem was the story. It was almost like the dev thought up this whole backstory and world but then forgot to include loads of it. I spent a lot of time having no idea why I was doing what I was doing which is a shame as I really liked the characters and found the world intriguing. ...Also, fuck forced stealth sections with automatic fails! Still though, its a gorgeous game. Not sure I've actually seen better. If a sequel does get made then I would be interested to play it. Hopefully they take on board a lot of the complaints.
  17. The real crime of this game is that Patrick Stewart doesnt seem to be voicing any characters. Everytime a new character comes on screen I keep expecting his voice lol
  18. Oh yeah I know, it could very well turn out to be awesome and everyone is used really well. I just dont have a lot of faith that it will thats all.
  19. I mean rushing more like they are so desperate to create the type of Universe that Marvel spent years building that they are introducing too many characters in just one movie.
  20. I still have very little faith in this. Seems like they are rushing to include too much, too quickly and I dont think Snyder is good enough at all.
  21. Giant Bomb's review http://www.giantbomb.com/reviews/kirby-and-the-rainbow-curse-review/1900-696/
  22. I actually found Super Mario World quite hard to play because I came to it much later. I played a lot of the NES Mario games as a kid but skipped the SNES until later in life. The controls for World feel much more floaty now and I have never really got a handle on them.
  23. Couple of preorders:
  24. So do we know if this game is supposed to be good? I never played the original but its coming out soon so im wondering if I should order it. Kind of in the mood for a new FF game.
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