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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. You realise you do this all the time with the other consoles games right?
  2. These arrived today Along with my copy of Final Fantasy Type 0 HD
  3. Its hard to say with certainty as the event thats coming as New 52 ends is yet another multiple universes story so who knows what the status will be afterwards. Personally I am expecting it to still mostly be the New 52 status quo with some things changed and fixed. I'll be keeping an eye on it but if im right and that is how it turns out then I probably still wont be reading any DC after it.
  4. Probably not. Its only really the branding thats coming to an end and that happens all the time.
  5. I have found that while my interest in the gaming industry as a whole tends to be pretty constant, I can get into a rut when it comes to actually playing the games and start becoming apathetic towards them. It usually takes a game coming along that I really love to kind of pull me out of it. First time I remember it happening was during the PS2/Xbox/GC era and Animal Crossing was the game that brought me back.
  6. I remember being obsessed with that new theme song for it as well at the time.
  7. I've never really been a big kart racer guy but the most fun I had with one of those games was Speed Freaks on the PS1. Mario Kart wishes it was that game! :P
  8. Thankfully I've never had this problem. Even when Nintendo consoles were my main console I have still usually had at least one other place to play games, either another console or PC gaming for a good variety of games. I do think though that while I couldnt completely drop other consoles or PC, I could drop whatever the current Nintendo console was without much complaint.
  9. Pretty much the same for me. I enjoyed it as I was playing it but nothing more really.
  10. Without any solid details I dont really know what to think at the moment. All I do know is that most of the faith I've had in Nintendo over the years has pretty much vanished. It used to be that I would say I was "Hopeful but skeptical" but unfortunately these days I think I'm just skeptical.
  11. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/03/17/playstation-now-entering-closed-beta-in-the-uk
  12. I only seem to put my Wii U on when I get an urge to do more of Wind Waker and even that is happening less and less now (probably 2 or so months ago was the last time). Even Smash Bros barely kept my attention on it. Last time I played that was when @Goafer came round and we tried the multiplayer.
  13. Thank god for Mignolet in the first half anyway!
  14. Had my copy dispatched today. You still enjoying it @Tales ?
  15. Lack of 3rd party support is more than just the power of the system at this point. Its bad relations between Nintendo and them for years now that needs to be fixed as well.
  16. Ah right I get you now....although I dont agree with what you said
  17. Never particularly used or trusted Metacritic myself. When I do use actual reviews (which has become more and more rare these days) I tend to stick to the sites like Giant Bomb where their staff are a lot more out there with their opinions and tastes. Obviously I wont always agree with what they say but I find I can at least understand where they are coming from more. A random list of scores from reviewers I dont know doesnt really help me get a picture of the game.
  18. I'm still not convinced that we'll get Zelda this year.
  19. So how long would you guys say MH4U's main single player takes?
  20. I have no happy memories of Mario Party. My only memories are my bloodied palms after spinning that N64 stick round and round........and round.
  21. Im thinking about following @flameboy lead and live streaming a day or two of my attempt to clear some of my backlog. Feels like the best way to power through it.
  22. I think I managed to last about a month of doing that before I started playing multiple games again. I'm so weak!
  23. I cant actually think of many games that I have bothered to complete 100%. There are a few early 360 games that I got 1000 achievement points for but I dont count them. These days I'm lucky to even finish a game's main story. I've gotten really bad at playing a game for a while then getting distracted by another one and moving onto that. Looking at my shelf I think the only game I have completed this year so far is The Order: 1886. Thats a habit I really need to break otherwise I think I am going to fall right back into a gaming rut.
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