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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I had a PM from another member just the other day. Unfortunately they were just telling me about their "wide range of computers, phones, laptops, photo cameras, video cameras, clothes, jewelry, goods for sport, fishing, hunting, cars, motorcycles and other branches cheaper than on eBay"
  2. We really need to arrange some GTA V PS4 Heist nights. Im getting sick of playing with random people who just run in guns blazing and die constantly.
  3. Looks like my copy was dispatched today. Would be nice if it turned up tomorrow and I get the whole weekend with it.
  4. I think there will be links but nothing that the Avengers wont manage to explain for people who dont want SHIELD.
  5. Can't say yet as we don't know who is working on this (or if it's even real!) but a lot of these remasters are sourced out to other development companies so they wouldn't be working on the new titles and while they could just be working on their own stuff, some of them simply specialise in this kind of work. Not every developer can afford to work on their own titles all the time.
  6. Really though, what does it hurt? Of course we would all prefer new games but has been stated multiple times, these remastered games are rarely being worked on by the actual developers but by other teams so aren't slowing down work on new titles. It's just nice for people who missed out or would like to play them again.
  7. Pretty sure he already has one.
  8. Makes perfect sense for Lego, should make them a load of money. I do wonder though how long we've got before these NFC figures start going the way of the plastic instruments and people start getting sick of them. I would assume it would take longer as they take up less room but still, I can see it happening.
  9. French site lists Uncharted trilogy For 30th September release http://www.cede.ch/fr/games/?id=29359 Despite my hatred of Uncharted 3 I think enough time has passed now that I would probably buy this. I expect it'll probably get a proper announcement at E3. (Now just still waiting for the Mass Effect Trilogy announcement!)
  10. Its going to be interesting seeing Deathstroke in this after Arrow did a brilliant job with him on tv.
  11. I remember hearing Giant Bomb talk about this stuff from time to time. Its always that they would love to ask these kind of questions but know from experience that you will only ever get the crappy PR answers that you dont want and in the end it takes away time from questions you know will get answers. Completely crappy way to have to look at it of course but I think its also understandable when you hear stories about group interviews with multiple sites and one foreign one who might not know better asking all the hard hitting questions and getting nothing back, making Nintendo close up more and then everyone else basically getting nothing out of it.
  12. *Slowly backs out of the thread*
  13. Yoshi's Wooly World £25 at GameSeek http://www.gameseek.co.uk/pd/VideoGamesz2jggpb5ym/
  14. Anyone else tried the Forza Horizon 2 Fast & Furious standalone dlc? Its free until the 10th so I'd recommend getting it regardless but I actually really enjoyed it. Its convinced me to buy the main game.
  15. I still need to put some proper time into HR. I rebought the Directors Cut during the Xmas Steam sale but never really played it.
  16. Did you ever play it with the controller @Rummy ? Like you I spent hours and hours on the PC version but I couldn't see myself managing without the mouse and keyboard. Kind of like how I found controlling Minecraft on console just way too slow.
  17. Enjoyed the Fast & Furious dlc so much that I decided to get the full game
  18. I think the thing as well is that this is just the way the industry is going. Both Sony and Microsoft and literally built the ability to stream and record gameplay into their consoles.
  19. Ah Fast Five, your end action sequence is so dumb. I love it
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