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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Yet another new Persona 4 figure. I've got more on the way that will actually complete my set as well. Hopefully that will stop me spending all this money!
  2. I need to get back to Wind Waker again at some point. Completely forgotten now what section I was on. Possibly collecting the triforce pieces but cant be sure...
  3. How awesome would it be if JJ Abrams made Spaceballs canon? lol
  4. This keeps me hopeful that Persona 5 will be at E3 this year http://mk02jm307.mapyourshow.com/6_0/exhibitor/exhibitor-details.cfm?ExhID=atl0455
  5. Part One of Gamespot's Witcher 3 feature http://www.gamespot.com/videos/introducing-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/2300-6424503/ Danny O'Dwyer has been going on about this feature for the past week so I'm interested to watch it, I always like his work.
  6. Never played either but I realllllly dont like Dynasty Warriors games so I'll vote for Metroid :P
  7. Yes it was something I noticed in MOS. There is also a belt type thing already there, its just also coloured blue.
  8. They really should have made the belt red, just something to break up all the blue.
  9. No I unplugged Kinect a while ago. I assume you dont see it because you already have Gold.
  10. Yep. Turned it on again yesterday as well and it did the same thing.
  11. Just completed Mortal Kombat X's story mode. It was a good game but didnt seem as tight as 9's story. Seemed a bit easier as well (not that im complaining, I ended up leaving 9 for months until I went back and finally completed it). Interesting setup for 11 though!
  12. I was going to say pretty much the same thing. I have no interest in playing Twilight Princess on a small 3DS screen but I would probably pick up a Wii U copy.
  13. Not everyone has the interest or the skill to start learning the real guitar so these type of games can just be a fun outlet. There is a really annoying snobbery from some people who play instruments towards stuff like this sometimes.
  14. Well I guess if you get the new Rock Band then you should at least have all that back catalogue you paid for last gen.
  15. I dont know, I cant speak for everyone else but I know I always felt self concious if I pulled out a handheld on a bus or something and start playing it, which is why I dont do it anymore.
  16. I expect speed runners will have that time down to about 20 minutes a few months after release lol
  17. I think I might rewatch the PS4 announcement stream again this evening. I'd be interested to see what games that were shown or talked about there never actually game out.
  18. Oh yeah I know they can have zips but as probably the majority don't, I thought maybe you were talking about something else.
  19. I'm starting to think we are getting our wires crossed here. I'm talking about trouser pockets.
  20. Unless I have a bag with me then there's no way I take my 3DS with me. You may not think so but I doubt a lot of people want to walk around with it in their pocket.
  21. Lol. Unfortunately I don't remember how far in you are. Been a while since I played Tomb Raider last.
  22. What are Zelda style fire arrows?
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