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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I wouldnt be suprised to see the dlc announced at E3 then come out later this year. In other news, I finally bought myself a copy of Bloodborne so will be delving into that once I'm done with The Witcher 3.
  2. According to my sources the voucher has expired
  3. Have any of you read the books then? I was thinking about giving the first one a try.
  4. Tempted to get that myself, loved Outlaw Star
  5. Not going to let myself start this until I'm done with the Witcher 3 but I've been considering getting it for a while as it looked more accessible than Dark Souls and The Game Collection had it on a Flash sale so I figured I'd get it to play next.
  6. I expect most people already bought the re-release on PS3 or Vita, think it was only released last year.
  7. I didnt like the promo shot at all but I think those photos look much worse.
  8. No crashes for me so far on the PS4 version. I wish I'd had that article about the Witcher 2 questions before I did them. Only character I recognised from them was Triss. To be honest I thought those questions were poorly done.
  9. I think GTA V was the last one I got. Maps with games were something I never actually used but always kind of appreciated that they went to that bit of extra effort to include.
  10. The PS4 "take a screenshot when you get a trophy" feature continues to be dumb!
  11. Interesting to see that even if you attempt to play as the good guy in this, decisions can turn around and bite you in the arse. I thought I was just doing a good thing in a side quest and it ended up getting a man executed.
  12. I'm enjoying it so far. I've done a couple of side quests and killed the first big monster (which seemed easier in the end than a couple of Drowners!). I'll see how much time I've got tomorrow night to carry on playing but I expect I probably won't really be able to get into it until the weekend.
  13. Im on it at the moment!
  14. It hath arrived!
  15. Yeah I used to get that problem as well. I had to keep changing to a different HDMI input then back to the PS4 to get the sound back. All sorted now though.
  16. Well in an attempt to get the ball rolling again. I signed up to Marvel Unlimited the other day. It seems quite a bit better than the first time I gave it a try, especially with their smart panels no longer cutting off half of word bubbles! Still a shame that its 6 months behind normal releases but theres not much you can do there.
  17. Yeah to be fair it's not like I kept posting loads either as the books I was reading dropped quite a bit as well. No more DC for me at the moment and Marvel stuff is just on and off. Got to admit I do miss reading Spider-Man though, just waiting for Slott to finally finish his run so I can go back to it.
  18. You know what I miss in this Comic Book discussion thread? ...Discussion about comic books I used to love coming into this thread and chatting for hours a day with you guys. What happened?!
  19. How long is this going to keep going on? I know its mentioned quite often but this forum has gone to shit over the past few years. Its just the same arguments from the same people over and over again and its ruining threads. At some point we are going to have to accept that certain members in this place will never change and are toxic to the community. I have no problem admitting that I've had arguments and made comments about members in the past but you know what, I decided to just leave it alone and either start avoiding the certain people and rarely posting in the Nintendo section. I think its a worrying thing that I keep seeing posts every now and again from members saying how they had to leave the forum for a while because of the way its going, I myself have done that. EDIT: Just to clarify, I dont want to be the one calling for bans. I used to think this place handed them out far too easily but I think enough is enough.
  20. I expect as usual I will claim that I won't watch the Sony conference live as I have work the next day and then stay up anyway.
  21. I cant say then really as I already liked the first 7 issues!
  22. Did you guys ever read the season 11 Smallville comics? They were actually really good.
  23. I'll definitely watch it but I still have no idea if I will like it. Its like a mixture of awesome super hero stuff and completely lame American drama. Im not sure which one will win out.
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