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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I have no interest in the game either way but calling people misguided because they have a different opinion is just wrong. Plus I've seen plenty of people who are critical of Nintendo enjoying the game just fine.
  2. Oh that's going to go down well... :P
  3. Probably not what you want but a Tales of Zestiria anime series has just been announced
  4. http://gematsu.com/2015/06/tales-berseria-announced-ps4-ps3
  5. Ok so I was hoping to play Elder Scrolls Online this weekend and while it did turn up, its got a 15 gig patch to download and the servers wont be up until Tuesday anyway. Bloodborne was supposed to be my other game that I would be alternating with ESO but I went back to it last night and while I find the combat and movement much better than the Souls games, im still getting frustrated and have no interest in carrying on at the moment. So I figured I would either carry on with some games I dropped off on or start a new one that I've been meaning to play. - The Witcher 2 - Akiba's Strip - Dragon Age Inquisition - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - Dead Space - Final Fantasy XIII - LEGO Batman 3 - Valkyria Chronicles - Dragon Ball Xenoverse
  6. I won't be playing anymore of the demo. It already convinced me that I want to buy the game so I don't need to see anymore.
  7. Just listening to this weeks Bombcast, I see the guys all really liked Splatoon.
  8. Marvel teasers starting to come out for the post Secret Wars world:
  9. Oh yeah but as they hadn't announced it yet unlike they did with the God of War 3 remaster makes me think they were hoping it would have been a biggish moment in their conference this year which will now fall flat.
  10. I wonder how big of an announcement the Uncharted Collection was supposed to be for Sony and how pissed they are that it leaked so they had to announce it early.
  11. Skellige is probably my favourite area in the game. When you first get there and are riding through the forests was beautiful. I was amazed at how different it felt from other areas. It would have been easy to make all the forests look the same.
  12. Yeah. The game warns you at various points so you'll know when you hit a point of no return but the first time to Skellige isn't one of those. Over 50, not sure exactly
  13. They should reskin The Witcher 3 with Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom.
  14. I played a bit in beta and it seemed good, I just wasnt interested in paying a subscription. Thats also why I waited until now to get Elder Scrolls Online.
  15. Would you also go for a spin off maybe then where they could expand the Star Fox universe and actually let you explore?
  16. I think it'll be interesting to see what Starfox is like. I would assume it'll still just be a space shooter but with that genre expanding quite a bit lately again with games like Elite Dangerous and No Man's Sky coming, would Nintendo be tempted to do something different.
  17. Yeah mine makes an odd beep every now and again since I upgraded the hard drive.
  18. Despite my hatred of 3 I would probably still pick up the trilogy. It'd be nice to play through the first two again.
  19. To be fair, we all pretty much knew that anyway. Its like the worst kept secret in gaming at this point.
  20. In the comics she would glide around on ice skates
  21. Obviously a fake, no Wii U version
  22. Yeah since 4 they updated things so if you were crap at stealth like me then you could still just fight your way through. Its all a matter of choice now.
  23. Yeah I think some people do just look far too into this stuff (not just pointing the finger at you Bard). Im a lot happier just seeing this stuff and getting excited that something I want will be coming out, I think when you start overanalysing it all it starts to suck the fun out of everything.
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