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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Yeah I'd prefer to have a lot of mine on my card but I still only have an 8gb so im always deleting games to make space.
  2. Lol, well maybe its not as quick to get to gaming chat as I thought then.
  3. I really need one for my PSTV but still cant bring myself to pay the money
  4. One thing I would suggest listening to is their afterhours E3 podcasts (they usually do GDC ones as well but are at PAX instead this year). Those tend to have a lot of developers or other games industry people on them and you get some pretty interesting discussions (especially as a lot of them are drinking). Last year Rami from Vlambeer completely let the guy from EA have it over the Dungeon Keeper iOS game and wouldnt let him weasel his way out of it.
  5. Oh yeah I'm not saying its not possible, just that the random chatter at the beginning is pretty much an actual segment of their podcast so will always be there. I think it might be a bit shorter these days now Brad is hosting (he seems to get to games quicker but then has a much longer emails section which can quickly go off topic)
  6. Yeah thats what you'll always get with the Bombcast as its a personality driven site first so a lot of their fans like to hear all the random chatter inbetween gaming talk.
  7. I keep meaning to listen to 8-4 but now that I dont have a bus commute I dont have as much time to listen to podcasts and the Giant Bombcast is still my main one.
  8. It'll be a planet in the shape of Peter Molyneux's head
  9. Carrying on with my latest anime kick
  10. Nice one. The one that you'll work on or the other one?
  11. I'll probably stick with the PC version as thats where I've got the other two versions. Always a fun series to play with friends anyway.
  12. Well to be fair, they were all actually confirmed for the Wii U...
  13. Other Consoles includes PC so not daft at all
  14. Might pick up a copy then next time I see a discount (really should finish at least some of my backlog first though!)
  15. How is playing Destiny on your own these days? I get tempted every now and again to finally play it but feel like im coming in too late to really group with people.
  16. Ah right. Was just wondering as it seemed weird to be releasing it now with OlliOlli2 coming out next week.
  17. Is that OlliOlli a new release or just price reduction?
  18. Watched this movie today. I feel like my childhood has just been raped
  19. Leonard Nimoy died
  20. So did anyone watch all of this? I just got done watching the finale and thought it was brilliant. I really hope it gets a second season. It would be great to see them start building SHIELD.
  21. ‘The Flash’ & ‘Arrow’ DC Comics Superhero Spinoff in Development at CW
  22. Even Evolve I've heard good things about from people willing to put the effort it (which the devs never shyed away from saying was their target)
  23. I think the main issue for me here is that its been shown quite a few times that the PS4 (and other consoles) have a good range of game styles and not just the types you keep claiming Ronnie. The Wii U is still just mostly Nintendo style games (which I get you like) and when there are others, they tend to be old ports anyway. Obviously there are others like Bayonetta 2 of course. The way you come across is like you think we all want Nintendo to just become a Western focused company and stop making their style of games. Nobody is saying that and I doubt anyone wants Nintendo style games to go away, we just think there is room for both and that would make any future Nintendo console a lot more appealing to a wider audience.
  24. Awesome
  25. That could depend on your past with Dynasty Warriors though (if you have one at all). I think its very much a Marmite game.
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