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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. That's pretty sexy. Two mafia members voted in the last lynch.
  2. I have had the same urge since my PS3 decided to fuck me over. Last night I bought a... Phillips blu-ray player I think (at work now. Will check later) for £60. 53 quid after staff discount. Gonna give it a whirl sometime over the weekend. But the majority of ones I've seen are bordering on the 60 quid mark.
  3. PS3 > UPDATE The amount of people who keep saying that on forums has been burned into my eyes.
  4. Now I've got a new problem. Many "solutions" seem to involve formating the HDD, which I decided to do. Now it complains the system shizzle can't start and I should update to 4.21 or higher, I get the update on my USB stick and try to install it from there. It tells me there's no applicable data to be found. I delete everything except the update file with the same result. I put it on my external HDD I use as a backup and the same result occurs.
  5. Clearly this is some sort of hidden ability his character has.
  6. When you start a discussion on a forum about how your purchases IE what you do with your money - have affected you, don't expect every reply to be sympathetic. Yes, you may get dicks like me disagreeing with someone spending stupid amounts of money on a pair of headphones but if you don't want to get comments like this, don't post in the first place.
  7. I would've been of similar mind if it didn't start with an advertisement for Michael Jackson's Bad. It's like MJ took a shit over MJ's post.
  8. I do listen to music alot, and I believe that my current collection of headphones provide more than an adequate quality of sound delivery. I daresay that were I to try some of these Beats headphones I may, just may notice a slight increase in quality - but nowhere near something which deserves paying a price tag in the triple figures. But if you want to piss away your money like this - have at it.
  9. I was tempted to buy some headphones which were over £100, but then thought how stupid that would be. HOWEVER! Rappers only use one headphone when they're singing bullshit anyway, you should know that already. They're trying to give you the true rapper experience and you're complaining thinking they were normal headphones?
  10. Managed to find all the little screws which (only one in the end) got me to whip the HDD out and put it back in. Looking at this topic here: http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-3-Support/My-PS3-freezes-at-99-through-the-update/td-p/20012094, specifically this post: I've downloaded the update on a USB drive but no matter how long I hold the power button for (one beep, the second beep - start again, one beep, two quick beeps and release) it just goes straight to the "previous install operation was cancelled [by its fucking self] The system is attempting to install again." with no way of going back or any indication of this "console recovery system" It's hard to believe a new HDD may be required just because Sony can't get their shit together and update properly.
  11. If Arthur Langley is from the Gentleman's Mafia, then yes.
  12. I'm not sure which model I have, I'll read out the model number when I get home - it's one of the slim ones and I think it's a 16gb model. I meant the case seems to need a special kind of screwdriver the starry thing with a raised bit in the middle. I cannae get to the normal screws for the HD inside the box. How much are PS3 HDs nowadays?
  13. It doesn't even matter that I've bought them now, since my PS3 (my blu-ray player) has decided to fuck me over: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1490045#post1490045 HELP ME!
  14. I've only properly managed to get my PS3 online since we've just got a new modem, and I intended to get Journey but when I got online it said I had to update to the latest firmware - fine. It seems to download finebut when installing gets to 99% for awhile then gives me some bullshit about an error and recommends turning it off, removing power cable for a few mins and trying again - same result. I've looked on some forums and it mentions turning the power button round the back, yet it doesn't have such a switch. I've also heard of "safe mode" which I've done the power button pressing steps and the text got bigger, like the screen resolution was changed (so I think I was successful) but it still gets to 99%. I'm about to take the hard drive out and then putting it back in to see if that helps, but I'm not that flush to by a new HD (which some have done) Anyone been through this themselves?? EDIT: Seems I can't open the thing up because I don't have the right screwdriver, seems to need some form of star-shaped one.
  15. I mean are the allignments different than their original mafias?
  16. I'm not sure where all this mr-paul hate has come from. My investigation hasn't proved anything with regards to him. And my previous question: Anyone?
  17. Have allignments been changed with these characters?
  18. I can confirm this. Using my vote powa, I have the following. ON DA FORROWING RYNCHES! No Lynch (8): uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Sheikah, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, heroicjanitor, Jonnas, Yvonne, Rummy Dannyboy-the-Dane (8): Animal, Yvonne, heroicjanitor, uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Diageo, Jonnas, Cube, mr-paul Two people in each vote were mafia. The only ones who have voted in both votes are uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Diageo, Jonnas, Heroic and Yvonne.
  19. Then these two: For a nice movie marathon leading to:
  20. Awww, no dick shooting through the skirt? Disgraceful.
  21. This is something which pisses me off that people think that limits set don't actually apply. If the speed limitis 50mph, the limit is 50mph. Not 51, not 55 - but 50*. Same with people who park over their time limit. They pay for 60 mins of parking time, but bitch when they get charged for 62 minutes. They paid for what they get, they knew the risks. *Plus I've heard that spedometers are set a couple mph ahead of what they actually are to avoid some form of litigation.
  22. I've not seen all of those models, but it's clear to see that not an incredible amount of effort has gone into cleaning them up. I could do better but I think the amateur approach adds to their charm. I managed to get work to buy me some new trousers. My (two pairs) or cargo trousers have started displaying massive wear around the crotch area - I kid you not, there are massive holes. And since they did not approve of me wearing jeans in protest they paid for some new trousers to tide me over until my requested uniform actually arrives (it's well known [at least internally] that requests for new uniform takes an ice age to actually arrive)* *I technically have a "suit"ish pair of trousers I could've worn, but either they're too big or too small (I claimed they were too small as a result of chubbing up so couldn't wear them) so I didn't want to wear them. Free clothes = pr0 awesome.
  23. Although it may be better if the info happens tomorrow... it depends if I survive. (Insert Dohnut demand for protection)
  24. It's more than that - Lying about her power/hiding said power, after two nights of apparent tracking/reverse tracking seemingly knowing that someone is 100% town but won't say why/how/who. Additionally this newer post: Is 100% on someone else for unknown reasons but does not believe in the face of someone's testimony. It's understandable to take what someone says with a pinch of salt, but after two nights of tracking/reverse stating that someone is town with 100% certainty just seems off. But no one else seems to be feeling it, so meh. I shall try, let us pray majority is not reached in time.
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