Nothing a good backhand wouldn't cure.
What kind of depression did you have? My only "actual" experience of someone with depression is some guy who brags about it as it it's some sort of badge of honour, taken from his Twitter bio:
"Hey,Im Jack, a depressive reclusive emo freak x Life is solonelypleasedont destroyit theway I have. Grunge rock forever, R.I.Pmy inspiration in life Kurt Cobain"
[Although I'm semi-proud of my epilepsy but I don't shout out my condition from the rooftops when I meet someone]
In person he genuinely seems a happy guy, which makes me think he's just trying to get attention. Or using it as some sort of justification for being lazy - "Do this", "Oh I can't I'm depressed". I don't believe it helps that he's trying to play the Kurt Cobain angle as if he's some sort of god, something which I usually associate with emo pussies as opposed to someone who may actually suffer from depression.
Mental illnesses are a serious issue but I don't think it's fair some people use it as a shield to not/do something (which I think is what Rummy was trying to say?) Once again I've kicked down the door and am sitting in the armchair of hypocrisy as I'm using my condition to get back onto a day shift as working nights is making me miserable, when I'm not working I'm sitting around the house being quiet so I don't wake Mummy and Step-Daddy. Although this is on direct medical advice from my neurologist and not just me saying I want it for the sake of wanting it.
17, closer to the average. I win. I think. :awesome: