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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Of that I have no doubt, but I haven't unlocked any for Asbel* (I think), I believe I have three/four for Sophie. *Technically, I have the ability to turn him into Richard or Hubert.
  2. I haven't the damndest idea about what you said about dualizing there. But I basically dualize something with a weapon/armour if the stat will increase. That's it. I didn't get many of the costumes. In fact most of the characters don't have an alternative costume apart from the ability to stick a melon on their head/nose. It kept distracting me during cutscenes. I kept Malik in his swimwear, mainly because it looked funny during cutscenes and I never battled with him. I had to take a picture when I saw this, gave me a nice chuckle.
  3. Which bit of the thumb are people biting off?
  4. I can't help but wonder why I bother watching this, it always finds new ways of plunging the depths of predictability. Plus it isn't really that good. Although I was overjoyed over the divorce in the beginning, but as usual love shine a light at the end right on schedule.
  5. Buy it now kiddies.
  6. I thought I was the only one who was bored to tears with Lord of The Rings! I'm feeling better about life now Now read the book of Revelations (...) there's an ending beyond the ending.
  7. I consider this a semi-copy of the mafia idea I proposed (and I even considered this format but haven't played enough mafia games to make it random enough) Regardless - I wish to participate. Cell again please, neutral with game steal win condition would be appreciated.
  8. On that note it almost looks like they've tried to make Kryten look like the original dude who played him (can't be bothered to find the name)
  9. 1] Unknown. I loved that skit "royal crablettes... royal craableettees..." 2] Unknown. (isn't it between 10 and 12?) 3] You'll find out later. I love the skits, especially since they're all animated/voice acted. Beats other Tales games easily. The review in GamesTM slams the skits.
  10. I couldn't get into it at all. I tried playing it but it bored me. Rather like the original Zelda.
  11. That being said, I've just had a look around my room and some up with several characters to share with the masses.
  12. I'd make sure they weren't too vague. I'm not that far into the development to be honest. I only thought of it earlier today.
  13. Has anyone done a "DIH" mafia (Done it himself)? That everyone is given a random role with no actual theme? I have a few ideas for some characters.
  14. I was there.
  15. I think I was about 3/4 full. So the ending was shit.
  16. Well this has been a lame game, not Jonnas' fault the town was the mafia's bitch from the start.
  17. I've got no problem with people choosing to do stuff like that. It's just that their desire to do so doesn't make them look any less stupid. I'm sure Chris Brown thought that plaster on his face looked rather cool (and those who copied him), and it was his choice to keep it on. Didn't stop him looking like a total idiot. Same for Kanye West and those "shutter" shades.
  18. It looks stupid, like keeping the price tag on your clothes to show off. The thing that annoys me is that people don't "wear" them properly. They just seem to balance them on their heads. I think they're afraid that if they do wear them properly the brim will bend like a normal hat should.
  19. I know several people who do this. And are really serious about it. If you take the sticker off it will somehow not make it look less retarded. Credible source here: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=59FIFTY On Saturday I put the sticker I got from CEX (which was on the Demon's Souls game) onto the sticker on his hat, "Nononono!" was his cry when I applied it. I think he would've cried if it didn't peel off so easily.
  20. YES! Especially if they are (and 99% of the time they actually are) those awful looking thick emo glasses. Just in case you didn't notice them the first time around. Every time I see someone with thick framed glasses I instantly think they're wearing them for the sake of it. Sir-Ry-Ya.
  21. Oh, I agree there. It wouldn't be an RPG otherwise if they didn't have the standard archetypes. But it's the amount of effort gone into character development which makes it stand out. Taking Graces and attempting to tick lé boxes:
  22. The Tales characters are hardly generic. Well, some of them aren't.
  24. What a poorly kept knife.
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