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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Couldn't fight temptation... before even selecting new game I was in the mystery gift getting a Genesect. With that, a Snivy and the Keldeo I'm about to trade over, I'm afraid I've made the game too easy...
  2. Fact. It's a widely known fact that Deathly Hallow Part 1 could've been condense into 30 minutes at the latest.
  3. Linkings please?
  4. I have been pondering like yourself. I've always chosen the fire starter first. Back when it was hardcore to start with a Charmander in Blue. But since I had Emboar in Black I was going to use Samurott as my starter, as I despise the grass type*. Too many weaknesses, not enough pimpsmacking. But like you, I've decided to take Keldeo over to my squad, which means I'm going to have a grass starter. It's going to be fun... *Also since it was technically impossible to get a decent water Pokémon during the game since you got given the Super Rod after completing it. Which is why I had Carracosta as my fossil choice.
  5. Takes me back. Also, just what I need when I have so many games/painting/writing projects to work on, buy more.
  6. It's "Dispatching Soon" on Amazon, woo! I'm working 13:00-22:00 today and tomorrow anyway so won't get much chance to play it, but it will soon be mine... Mwahahaha.
  7. If you can provide adequate footage of something which isn't a wall and/or your bags I may donate. Last year's camera work was dreadful.
  8. Sadly due to having my PS3 wiped I can't do a Grade enhanced game, but I've restarted Graces to pass the time before Black 2 arrives (I did start another go at Tales of Vesperia but didn't want to play a game I'd put on hold for mon action and then forget everything.) I want to get to a point where I can play as Hubert, then I can DANCE LIKE A DAVE whenevrr I want.
  9. I'd recommend getting a taxi, because one does not simply walk into Mordor despite what shoes they wear.
  10. Same here, in fact I can't even remember the helicopter bit. All I know is that Die Hard films aren't about bloody computers.
  11. So is he actually a peedo?
  12. Chaos Space Marine Maulerfiend. Can be a few combinations. Details here http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod1710092a
  13. Simply didn't like Kryten's look on this. The lighter skin tone I could understand, but the bags under his eyes and it seemed the angles had been dumbed down on his head. It looked sloppy. Made me think of what they did in Hollow Man. But apart from that, wasn't a bad episode. Let's be honest, it wouldn't take much to be better than Back to Earth.
  14. As tempting a prospect as this may be, Marvel (and many other comics) have founded themselves in the extraordinary. So a series (albeit set in that universe) but being about "regular secret agents" sounds like giving up.
  15. Pre-ordered the shit out of it. Using a sexy £25 voucher also.
  16. I tried getting the digital copy of the first Family Guy Star Wars, but I had to download this other program and even afterwards the file wouldn't play. May give it a try with one of the movies which came as a triple play still.
  17. Is this a game which is mainly made for co-op? Since that's all I ever hear it being mentioned about.
  18. Don't forget the nice photo you get taken when you steal something from the shop. Then everyone calls you THIEF from then on.
  19. EEVIL should've done a mccoy and constantly referred to himself in the third person.
  20. Anyone get their Keldeo in preparation for this game?
  21. Was in court today, as a witness for the prosecution. I was told the defendant had aload of his family/friends with him in the court so I opted for a video link. They could still see me though, so it only served as a measure against proximity, not privacy. And the minus intimidation factor. But what a rush! And managed to bag a Keldeo after hunting for a GAME store.
  22. I know what you mean (The attack is Broadside Waltz I believe) But everytime I think of it/saw it, all I ever heard was "Dance like a Dave"
  23. If @The Peeps no mind I'd like to get started on my DIH mafia if possible. If people are cool with two mafia's running at once.
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