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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Magnus is the chef.
  2. So you were going to target yourself?
  3. This is a new concept to me, but fair enough @MoogleViper did you get any info last night?
  4. I'll get this out of the way: This is me. I didn't send in a target and was auto assigned (bad form I thought but Jimbob said it was some form of standard practice)
  5. How long has this been going on for? I've never heard of this.
  6. Yeah, there was something which mimicked them based on their minds/impressions thereof. That's how they were able to figure out which Lister it was since it could actually play the guitar whereas the real Lister can't (but thinks he can)
  7. The pleasure gelf appeared to each of the characters as their perfect woman. The Polymorph did suck some elements out of the characters, turning Kat back into Dwayne Dibley, but he travelled around the ship as various items, a ball, a flask etc.
  8. Damn bastard copying my Cell powers. Although following this train of thought he can only use powers of those who are alive. Thus weakening him each time a player is killed/lynched.
  9. That's the guy. There could also be a Polymorph, or a Gelf of some sort too. I was successful in my night action, but since I don't actually learn anything I also have nothing to report.
  10. A Camerupt may not be the bestestestest choice, as if you get hit by a water attack you'll be properly fisted.
  11. WOOOOOOOooohhhh....Wooooowwwoooooorrrrr In!
  12. Go for it kiddo, I'll hang back and go after =D
  13. It can be, although it would have to wait a few days. I'm attening GameCity 7 and doing writeups all week so won't have time at the moment. So if @Jimbob wants to jump in front that's cool.
  14. Just been to see the UK premier of this nice looking game. A few pointless things seen but on the whole is looking rather good.
  15. If you're available at all in the next 7 days they're having the GameCity festival in Nottingham, which has indie showcasers aplenty everyday. I'm sure they'd be more than willing to offer any tips or whatnot.
  16. Squad undergone another remix... I can't keep the same squad for long. And I just caught Coballion as well... Will it join?! Is anyone playing this on their DS Lite? I found out (whilst trading) that the picture seems to be get a stretched on the 3DS and it doesn't look as crisp so have started using my regular DS Lite to play the game now, things look much more clearer.
  17. I got one of them too last year after some form of discount. It basically functions as a notepad now since there weren't as many happenings to actually warrant the use of a diary. I find a wall planner much more effective/accessible.
  18. My initial idea was to let the mafia decide who was going to make the kill and their target. Whether they suceeded would be the result of the night's draw. Or when drawing the mafia killers target if I draw another mafia member, simply ignore it. But I thought the first option would be the best.
  19. Without checking, I think it's 6 or 7 degrees of seperation/Kevin Bacon.
  20. I've encountered Duckletts on one of the bridges. But I've got Volcarona using Fly. Squad taken heavy remix. Volcarona has fucked Darumaka out of the fire slot and Baltoy has taken Sandile's place for the ground 'mon, plus it has psychic extras. Since with Volcarona being bug as well, it may mean Genesect may be kicked out... Last slot reserved for an electric/psychic/dark type.
  21. Instantly reminded me of this.
  22. My team is random as fuck. At present: Servine, Keldeo, Genesect, Darumaka and Sandile. I got Sandile because having a look at types I'm not the best at, electric isn't do me any favours. Which is handy since I've lost to Elesa once already. The other slot has to be for some flying type, maybe Archeops for it's random typing.
  23. I had that at my first visit to Subway, which was about a month ago and was probably my last. There was only one person in front of me, there was no fucking point in even starting on my bacon roll if you're just going to leave it!
  24. Really? My Snivy pissed all over Cheren, who did nothing but Work Up all match. Hopefully things will pick up. To be fair, the only Pokémon I've been using is Snivy, with Genesect on the one occasion where Snivy fainted. I did try catching a Psyduck for my water type but it fainted after a critical hit
  25. With the amount of time being spent on demanding the huge rack size, I was expecting at least a bit of cleavage. Massive disappointment.
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