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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I´ll be seeing it wednesday I believe, and I watched First class just now in preparation. First Class was cool, and I´m properly hyped for the new film now. Cast was great, and chemistry between McAvoy and Fassbender was amazing, making it all the more tragic. Fun cameos by Rebecca Romijn STAAAMOOOSS and Wolverine. It´s a shame the cast for the new films is so big, not everyone´s coming back. I hear Emma Frost / January Jones isn´t in it, among other mutants. But there will be plenty of awesome X-men who will be in it, so it´s no problem. Looking forward to it.
  2. Zoetrope using the S.H. Figuarts Mario. Doesn´t look that great actually, but I felt obligated to post it.
  3. I was looking at Tenso yes, good to hear a recommendation. Edit: Tenso.com doesn´t accept my CC. I´m looking at alternatives now. The Nendoroid is available for pre-order by the way: [here]
  4. Tharja has a figure, and Cordelia will be getting one. Would be a nice chance for some cross promotion.
  5. I´ll be seeing this somewhere next week, but.. Spoiler me everything about both Wolverine films I need to know before this film (if there are any references at all). I´m going to watch First class Saturday night to catch up, and I intended to watch both Wolverine films as well, except it seems the last one isn´t available for digital rent here yet.
  6. I didn´t know about these. Pokémon are currently the Happy meal toy in the US.. They come with a card. Wonder if they´ll be coming here.
  7. Then someone at Twitter´s getting fired. One way or another.
  8. # Somebody´s getting fired, # Somebody´s getting fired..
  9. Looks like the kind of bizarre I´d like.
  10. I just have a few. It will be just like my DVD collection, small and outdated. The good news is that I won´t have to recollect much on 4k, if they´re going to sell that on a physical medium. Films: - Rec - Persepolis - The host Series: - Game of thrones 1 - Game of thrones 2 - Game of thrones 3 - Les revenants - Orphan black Orphan black 2 and True detective will be on their way when they´re released, which will be end of next month. Blu-rays aren´t really a priority at the moment, but I intend to start my Ghibli blu-ray collection at the end of the year. Edit: I forgot, I´d be jumping at this if I had the money right now: http://www.amazon.com/Battlestar-Galactica-Edward-James-Olmos/dp/B0036EH3U2/ref=sr_1_2?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1400716999&sr=1-2&keywords=battlestar+galactica
  11. Apparently there will be a Pokémon pop-up store in Paris next month. It will be open from June 4th till June 21th. It would be a fun excuse to go to Paris, if I had the money. Maybe you people should have the meet there? Source: http://otakumode.com/news/537706c7306540c81900005e Original source? http://kai-you.net/article/5295
  12. I loved it. I saw The Hobbit 2 both in HFR and .. NormalFR? StandardFR? It looked absolutely crap to me after seeing it in HFR.. Didn´t want to go back.
  13. http://www.808cube.com/
  14. This is probably what I really want right now: (along with a nice Zeiss prime) Although I probably want a Blackmagic camera as well for video.
  15. Wow. those are actually handy. Looking at changing my phone number right now, haha.
  16. Like I said in the general film thread, I didn´t watch the trailer, and I won´t if I can help it. I don't watch trailers for films I have already decided I´m going to see them, unless I stumble upon them in the cinema. Nolan + awesome cast + sci-fi = <drool>, and that´s all the info I´ll need.
  17. Hmm, can´t remember that part of Ocarina of time.
  18. Not going to watch it, but I´m sure there are people out there who do want to see it.
  19. Seeing those 2 reactions an hour before I'd go myself, wasn´t reassuring. I wish I could report the opposite, but alas, I cannot. Although I don´t think the film was a total waste, I was disappointed. The creature designs were good. Godzilla looked exactly how a modern Godzilla should look like. The monster battles were cool, the few that were shown. Atmosphere was cool. I don´t mind the focus on seeing the result of monsters rampaging through cities (rather than the monsters themselves), I believe that´s actually what classic Godzilla films did (but I can´t really tell, since I can´t remember anything of the one classic film I´ve seen). I wouldn't mind the drama and focus on people, if it was good. And there´s the problem. The drama was a joke. Scripts were bad. A lot of things that involved people came across as stupid or unnecessary. Juliette Binoche,
  20. Here´s one of the official promo pics: He comes with all 3 starter Pokémon, among other things.. Unfortunately, it appears he´s an exclusive, you can only get him at Japanese Pokémon stores, or Amazon.co.jp´s online Pokémon store, and they don't ship figures internationally it seems. I´m not going to let that stop me from getting him though. Looks like this will be the first time I´m going to use a proxy or forwardibng service.
  21. They already achieved their goal, but this looks cool:
  22. The girl from Gravity Rush: Although I already see comments the quality isn´t worth what they´re asking for. I wasn´t familiar with the company making her. .. Dennis Rodman: That´s just hilarious. And Poison Ivy from Sideshow collectibles is getting a re-paint: <drool>
  23. Ooh I´ll get you.. <rewriting roles for next mafia>
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